Twitter | @JulieCr12001493

'Weird Al' Yankovic Surprises Long-Time Fan In Hospital For His Birthday

An Arkansas man with cancer got the surprise of his life when comedian "Weird Al" Yankovic stopped by his hospital room this past weekend.

Lonnie Craig has been in the hospital for the past two weeks due to a low white blood count and with two more chemo treatments to go, Lonnie was too sick to attend Yankovic's upcoming show.

Twitter | @JulieCr12001493

Lonnie's sister Julie had purchased "Weird Al" tickets for the pair to celebrate Lonnie's birthday, but upon discovering he was too sick to go, Julie reached out to "Weird Al" over social media.

Twitter | @JulieCr12001493

To her surprise, he showed up to great his longtime gan before his show in Little Rock.

Julie says "Weird Al" visited for a while and brought Lonnie a smashed guitar from his previous show in Kansas City, as well as a bag of goodies.

Twitter | @JulieCr12001493

Julie says Lonnie's spirits have been lifted, and we couldn't be happier for him!

Twitter | @JulieCr12001493
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