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Man Sparks Heated Discussion By Eating Steak After 7 Years Of Being A Vegan

I've always found it strange when people get so hung up about what other people eat. The old saying goes "What you eat doesn't make me poop," but some folks will really act like it does anyway.

And one of the fastest ways to prove this point is simply to mention veganism more or less anywhere online. Whether people try to trick them into eating meat, make a point of devouring it in front of them, or treat the idea of eating even one vegan meal like it's date with the Boogeyman, it seems to be a dirty word for some.

As a result, a vegan can sometimes find themselves generating a lot of discussion by doing just about anything. And as we're about to see, that's especially true when a person who once lived a vegan lifestyle starts eating meat again.

On November 23, an independent recording artist named Danny Aaron uploaded a TikTok that marked a major change for him.

As he put it, "After 7 years of being 100 percent vegan," he was going to eat a steak.

It's unclear what led him to put his vegan diet aside, but he promised his followers that he'd update them on what he experienced as a result of re-introducing meat to his body.

And while he seemed to enjoy his steak in the moment, he apparently felt even better about this decision a few days later.

In a follow-up video, he claimed that his mind felt more focused, his body felt "leaner," his senses became sharper, and he just felt stronger and healthier overall.

Whether that had anything to do with meat or just his excitement over the change he made remains to be seen, but he's clearly liking meat again since he uploaded further videos of himself eating it.

And as is often the case, his video seemed to re-ignite the old vegan vs. meat-eater debate we've seen a lot over the last decade.

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While some commenters said things like, "Welcome to the correct side" and "So glad you've accepted a normal diet," others couldn't understand why they were so invested in whether people eat meat or not.

As another user wrote, "People, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being vegan... Why y'all hate it so much?"

But if there was one thing vegans did have to say to Aaron, it was that they figured this big diet change will have some major digestive implications.

In the words of one of them, "The toilet will scream if it's actually been 7 years."

But while Aaron confirmed that it had been that long, he also said he hasn't had any problems with his stomach.

And in response to another user's concerns about maintaining a balanced diet, he said, "200 percent. I rotate my meals... some days vegan, some days vegetarian, some days carnivore, etc."

And at least from the sounds of things, this strategy seems to be working well for him.

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