
20 Times People's Days Got A Whole Lot Harder For The Weirdest Reason

Life can often lull you into a false sense of security whereby it makes you think that every day will simply be the same old slog, but then it's throw you a curveball by having your check engine light come on at the worst possible moment.

Well, to highlight some of the weirdest examples of life's many curveballs, here are 20 times people's days got a whole lot harder for the weirdest reason!

"Sign tonight at Waffle House in Blue Ridge."

I love that there is an advert for job openings above this lovely sign as well. I cannot imagine that many people will read about the drunk cook and think, "Hell yeah, that's the kind of place that I want to work!"

"My car is on the other side of this group of assholes. Send help."

If you are not too attached to the car then I would think about just abandoning it. Leave it for the geese to claim as their own, you will never beat them when they are in such strong numbers.

"My campus had a bunch of staff leave found this on the HR door due to her doing three different jobs."

She probably thought that this was a great idea until a sentient pizza who was on fire came bursting through the door telling her that the zombie apocalypse had begun.

"A lady and her feet on my recent Southwest flight."

One individual who suggested a pretty high-risk strategy suggested, "Blow on them," with the hopes that that would make her put her feet away. However, that could be creepiest thing I've ever heard.

"Blow drying my hair only for this guy to pop out the end pointed right at my head."

Well, there we go, I now have a brand new thing to be terrified of. This seems like a modern day biblical plague, everyone's hairdryers being filled with cockroaches.

"Broke my ankle, wrist, and tore my ACL & a tendon in my thumb on my wedding day."

The mother of the bride looks, justifiably, furious. The bride went on to add, "Tailor lied about hemming my dress and I didn’t realize until I put it on that day. Two months later and I'm just starting to walk on my own again & I have no use of my left thumb."

"It was a hot day in Tallahassee..."

Unbelievably, this person went on to say that they were there for college interviews and that they did not notice what had happened to their shirt until they got back to their hotel.

"Our cat was getting a little chunky so we got an automatic pet feeder to ration his food throughout the day."

Even the cat looks disappointed with this food dispenser, which is saying something! He doesn't even know what to do with all of that food.

"I Hate UPS Just A Little Bit More Every Day..."

It is as though delivery people go out of their way to keep the public's packages from them sometimes. Maybe they are trying to punish us all for something...or maybe there are just some people who are asshats.

"Guess I'll be living unhealthy."

Christ alive, where does this person live, on the surface of the sun? Or maybe a place where they exclusively eat deep-fried foods and exercise has been made illegal? Either way, the only choice is to embrace the unhealthy lifestyle.

That Cat Has Some Pretty Big Ideas...

The person who posted this explained:

"Just bought gallon of chocolate milk for the kids. Bumped it trying to put it in to the fridge and it [flew] right out of my hand. A gallon really doesn't seem like much, until you have to clean it off the floor. The splatter zone behind me was pretty impressive too."

"My boy Thor passed. My girl has been struggling to cope since. She loves stuffed animals so for this Christmas I ordered her a Cuddle Clone. I paid $300 for this."

It is hardly a lifelike replica, is it? Apparently Thor had suffered permanent eye scarring as a kitten, hence why his eyes appear different from one another.

"This was what Kaiser Permanente gave to their nurses to recognize them during nurses week."

Wow, they really value their staff don't they? Seriously though, how did anyone at Kaiser Permanente look at this and think, "Yep, that's definitely not a slap in the face at all!"

This Place Doesn't Take Any Prisoners...

Although, with a sign like this up, I can imagine that you would be likely to get a lot of very impatient, competitive people applying for jobs. That is not a personality combo that most people want to work with!

"Day 2 of pratts parked in disabled spots at the gym. An absolute legend with a disability badge has parked in front of them to trap them in."

If that isn't karma in action then I do not know what is. Another individual added, "I know this gym. Overpriced and full of stuck up idiots who think they can park where they want and use 7 gym machines at once in their 'circuits.'"

No Prizes For Guessing What Happened Here...

"I had a cleanser leak in my sink. A couple days later I came across this… don’t know where the spider is now, but I can only assume she’s angry and a superhero now," wrote this unfortunate individual.

"I work for a scooter company, and need to retrieve this one in order to proceed with my route..."

I am sure that this dog is actually very friendly once you get to know it! Although, I wouldn't fancy finding out how friendly it is while trying to retrieve that electric scooter.

"Local Wendy's meets its emotional end."

So, when this happens is it a case of just heading in and making the food yourself, then leaving the cash for the ingredients on the counter? I don't fancy the chances of them making much money this way.

"Aquaman quit his job and decided to open a car repair shop."

At least he put something against the back tires! As weird as this is, it is kind of a masterclass in making the most out of your surroundings. Kudos to you my guy!

"The porta-potty on the job site has some weird settings."

I bet there is one weird guy on the site who really likes to poop with friends. Don't even give people this option in future, they will only take advantage of it.

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