Unsplash | Napat Saeng

'Destructive' Man Trashes Girl's House Because He Can't Handle Rejection

There are some men in the world who cannot take rejection. When they want to pursue a female and a female turns them down or expresses that she's not interested in him, some guys can take it and walk away.

However, there are others who simply cannot take no for an answer and instead, react with brash words and even sometimes with violence.

Men who cannot take no for an answer embody toxic masculinity.

Unsplash | christopher lemercier

Toxic masculinity is when men expect certain things because they are "culturally the norm."

Many men believe if they go after a girl and want to pursue them, that the girl should 100% say yes no matter what. That's just outright wrong.

Being an adult means being able to take rejection.

Unsplash | Andrew Neel

Not only will everyone experience rejection in their lives every once in a while, but it's also important to know how to react when being rejected.

Not only will the opposite sex reject you, but you could get rejections from jobs and other opportunities in life. Therefore, knowing how to act is key.

Recently, we saw a key example of when men should never do through a viral group of videos posted on TikTok.

Anna Martin (@annamartin35) shared a series of videos on TikTok that showcased how a man completely destroyed and ransacked her home after she had a conversation with a guy about consent.

In the videos, viewers can see how mirrors were broken, things were destroyed, and everything was trashed.

Martin said that she had invited her friends back to her house after a night out at a bar.

“One person was trying to make a move on my friend, she wasn’t interested and I spoke to him about consent, um, and then he became very upset and trashed the apartment,” she says in one of the videos posted.

He broke several things and left them there.

“As you can see he, you know, smashed a bunch of our vases and things, smashed bottles, smashed mirrors, dumped contents of things onto the floor," she added. The video showcases how many things were broken and how many things were now totally done.

He even damaged their apartment permanently.

“You can see where the tile is messed up because he dumped milk all over the ground… he really messed everything up so, um, don’t invite strangers into your home, men are trash… we obviously called the police," she said.

In a later video, more damage was shown.

Later videos showcase that they were cleaning up and repairing the floor, but also that he "dumped cream" in their hydroponic garden that was now totally destroyed.

Martin said that they did contact the police and they were opening a case.

Many questioned why Martin let a "strange man" in her home anyway.

Many people online said it was partly Martin's fault for inviting someone she did not know over to her house.

Many said they would also never let a strange guy in their house, regardless of how many people were there.

However, Martin did stand up for herself and say it is definitely something normalized in American culture.

Unsplash | Kaitlyn Baker

“I felt like it was fine and maybe that’s me being naive. I wish that it was safe to do that without worrying that someone could become violent or trash your house… Comments like this aren’t helpful. What happened happened. It’s not going to happen again," she wrote.
