Hilarious Hack Provides An Easy Way To Keep Your Cats Off Your Counters

Cats are precarious creatures. Do you agree with that statement? They do the weirdest things. I mean, our cat sees what I call "ghosts" on the wall and jumps for no reason. He's a funny rascal, that one.

But as much as I love felines, they can get onto everything, including your kitchen counters. However, there is one trick to stop that, and you have to see it, ha, ha!

I don't know if your cat tends to jump on your kitchen counters.

We are lucky enough that our cat Mayu mostly stays on the ground. I've only seen him jump on the kitchen counter once or twice so far.

But if your cat does that all the time, that must get old pretty fast.

And it can be super annoying, especially if you are doing meal prep or are in the middle of cooking. Am I right. So what can you do about it?

Well, as it turns out, there is a simple yet very effective trick you can implement ASAP.

And guess what? It works like a charm. All you need is aluminum foil. Aha! That's right. I can tell you right now — cats hate aluminum foil!

I can totally attest to that.

Unsplash | Otherness TV

Every time I grab some aluminum foil and start unrolling it, our cat bolts from the kitchen. Ha, ha! It's pretty hilarious. It happens EVERY SINGLE TIME! I tell you, without fail, he takes off and real fast.

Here's what I think.

It has to have something to do with the texture of the foil that scares the living daylights out of cats. Once they hear it or step on it — it's over. They're gone! So you see where I'm going with this?

It's basically like a deterrent for cats.

So this one lady on TikTok heard about it, and she wanted to test it herself. She posted a video where she lined her kitchen counter with foil and waited for the cat to jump on it.

And what happened next is absolutely hilarious.

You've got to see this video. OMG, I was laughing so hard. This lady must've been too, because you can clearly see the camera is shaking at the end. Watch it and see for yourself, ha, ha!

Judging from the comments on this video, everybody got a kick out of it too.

And it was all at the expense of this unsuspecting cat. I mean, come on, the party has to end for this kitty sometime. It serves him right.

Now, be honest — would you try this trick on your cat?

Or is this cruel and unusual punishment? Ha, ha! To be clear, cats do land on their feet, so he was totally fine. He just got freaked out, and it made for a super cool video. That's all.