30 Bright Ideas That Really Came Together

Every so often, a new, brilliant idea enters the world. Its genius is recognized by those around it, and all the steps needed to put it in motion are taken.

The results of those steps can be seen here in this list. Smart little innovations that really struck the person who witnessed them, compelling them to share these bright ideas that really came together.

"This optician uses tea pots to display their glasses."

It's a very cute display, but it lets us know how these glasses will look on very tiny elephants rather than normal-sized humans. That's how they get you though, you have to go into the store to see how they'd look on you!

"My daughter’s bicycle clarifying the difference between Austria and Australia."

They want to make sure that when you're discussing where your daughter's bike was made, a very common topic of conversation between parents, you get it right!

"My neighbor owns a painting business and his mailbox is a giant paint roller."

A cute idea, and a well-carved handle too, but I feel bad for the poor mailman who has had to try many a time to get a square package in a round hole.

"This holder for my Oreos."

I never really thought there would be a fancy way to eat cookies and milk, but this method is pretty slick. Pair it with some sort of specially designed lifting tool to keep your fingers from getting wet and you'll have a top-tier Oreo eating system.

"This small shopping [center's] elevator doors have decals of kids trying to pull them open."

A cute idea, but I'm pretty sure the last thing you need in a mall setting is picture guides for children on how they can misbehave in dangerous ways.

"[...] a wedding where my job was to escort the ring bearer."

That cat looks perfect for the occasion, and I don't just mean that because of his fancy collar. Look at that expression, he knows how regal he is, he knows he's the highlight of this wedding and won't let anyone tell him otherwise.

"This car that is covered in cars I saw on the highway today."

If this car gets into a crash, do the airbags from all the tiny cars deploy too? Turning this van into a giant hamster ball of airbags that continues rolling down the street? Would that be more or less safe?

"The amount of extra brake lights on this car."

This car has all these extra lights so it can look at the previous car and all its extra...well, cars.

They also want to make sure they'll never get dinged by a cop for a brake light being out. Ever.

"Vending machines in Switzerland sell pregnancy tests called 'Maybe Baby'."

Perfect branding is when you can tell what a product is based on the name and the shape of the box alone. This company has managed to encompass this perfectly.

"I 3D Printed a Tesla Supercharger but for my phone."

Don't get me wrong, this is really cool and a super neat idea, but it does also scream 'I want a Tesla but might never have enough money to buy one so I'm figuring out ways to make up for it'.

"This restaurants secret menu."

If you want an item off the secret menu, you really have to work for it. That makes it fun, though, and this way you know the employees are aware of it and it's not some fake rumor floating around online.

"My local music shop is selling Ted’s air guitar from *Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure*."

That's honestly way cheaper than I would have expected for a prop from such a well-known movie! It might not sound as great as it used to, but if you have the spare cash, it's an incredible piece to have.

"Another one of those fake seating areas in an apartment building I was making a delivery to."

Though inaccessible, these seating areas are whimsical and fun to spot. It would almost feel spooky if they'd left that entire, odd spot barren.

It also presents a challenge for someone brave enough to scale that wall, sit there with a book and greet people all day.

"IV bag plant watering thing I saw at my Dr's office."

As someone who notoriously forgets to water house plants and subsequentially kills them, I could use something like this for them. And for myself, for that matter. I'm not the best at keeping up my water intake.

"This 1.5 liter water bottle."

This idea seems really smart, but it also feels counterintuitive. I wouldn't want to drink the water so the weight stays heavy! Sure I could fill it back up if I finish it, but then it goes back to the same problem of not wanting to drink from it. Might as well just buy a real dumbbell!

"Our forklift now has pedestrian boundary lights projected from it."

Because of the color of the lights, I first thought it was some sort of electric field that kept people away.

A light barrier makes more sense and is definitely more humane, but an electric field would be more effective.

"Hidden in bushland in Western Australia lies Gnomesville - home to over 10,000 gnomes."

You say this like it's some sort of attraction and not just a town with a population. These gnomes live there, and don't deserve to be doxxed across the internet, especially if they're supped to be hidden!

"The wall indentions in my hotel room are painted on."

And I bet if you checked that sign out front that stated they were a five-star hotel, you'd find a few painted on there too.

"These seats at Logan airport that don't prevent you from laying down."

While the social etiquette of when and how to use them might be a bit tricky, many a weary traveler would be reduced to tears at the sight of a spot they could stretch out for a nap during a layover.

"Elevator at my job has buttons you can press with your feet if you have something in your hands."

Or if you just don't want your fingers going where every other finger has gone before. But really, if cars can have hands-free trunks, why not elevators, too? It's just such a, um, handy feature.

"A snack mix I got has all the suits of a playing card deck."

It's a small thing, but why should pretzels all be the same shape? Why not throw a little variety in there? Playing card suits are a good start — maybe animals next? Like animal crackers, but for grown-ups?

"A gas station in my country uses gas pump handles as door handles for their restrooms"

I always appreciate the little touches that fuse style and function and theme. It just shows that a place pays attention to detail — and who really expects that in a gas station bathroom?

"Our hotel’s valet tag, has all the local radio stations for people from out of town"

Sure, it's much easier to load up a Spotify playlist with all of your favorites, but I would argue that local radio is one of the better ways to familiarize yourself with the cultural scene in a strange place. You know, if you're into that sort of thing.

"There is a large Mennonite population where I live and one of the Walmarts has a covered parking area for their horse and buggy."

Walmart takes a lot of flack for a lot of different reasons, some of them justified for sure. However, you can't say they aren't looking out for their customers if they provide shelter for their horses like this.

"This is a "delivery only" Wendy's operating out of a trailer in an alley in Toronto."

Given the rise of Uber Eats and Door Dash and the like, it will be interesting to see if delivery-only fast food takes off. It'll save on overhead like rent, electricity, and staffing costs for sure. But where is the love?

"A neighborhood where literally every house has the fake rock well cover, making them look significantly less like rocks."

They couldn't even put in the effort to give each house a different rock? They're not even real rocks, they're sculptures, they could have supplied tons of different variations!

Now they just look suspicious, like they're hiding the world's largest security camera or some weird bunches of antennas.

"This fridge and freezer in drawers at an AirBnB I stayed at"

I don't know if I could actually stand downsizing to such tiny amounts of fridge and freezer space, but if I had to, I'd want it to be with a tidy setup like this. Maybe as a secondary, backup beverage fridge?

"Tattoo laser removal service with a grammatical spelling error"

Well, every other laser tattoo removal service will just have to pack it in, now. That's the perfect name for such a business. Can't be topped.

"Solar park bench with USB charging ports."

After the wave of USB charging ports being added to every public space, from bus stops to picnic tables, it's nice to see the next step is making them more efficient and environmentally friendly. Yay for solar panels!

"Japanese peach drink can 5% ABV. Japanese characters and Braille warns: ‘This is Alcohol’"

It's such a simple thing to put those meaningful dimples into a can. Especially when it's something like an alcoholic peach drink. Some of those juice-like drinks go down just a bit too easily!

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