Quotes About Marriage That Anyone Can Have A Laugh At

Some say the secret to marriage is laughter.

This makes life more fun and even helps build resilience to get you through the hard times. Because let's be honest: marriage isn't always a walk in the park.

So whether you've been married one year or twenty, you will get a chuckle out of these relatable quotes about married life!

The laundry chronicles.

While we want to applaud them for helping around the house (without being asked a million times), it's a double-edged sword. We're left with laundry that's most likely too small or all pink.

The man cold.

Oh, the dreaded man cold! Women fear it almost as much as their monthly wax. It basically means that men turn into a child we have to take care of and nurse back to health.

The hypocrisy.

Oh, how this is real! The moment someone is bored from scrolling on Instagram for a few hours, they want their partner's attention, like, right now.

Is it hypocritical? Yes. Will we stop doing it? Nope!

The junk drawer.

You can't just be throwing things in there all willy-nilly! There is a process to the junk. For this wife, it might be pizza flyers she'll never use on one side and expired coupons on the other.

Pushing each other's buttons is hella fun.

How could you not press them when they're basically big, red buttons just asking to be pushed?

If this means singing at the top of our lungs until they tell us to shut up, then so be it!

Always seeking revenge.

This is like coming home from work to discover your wife or husband ate the last of the food you were saving! The betrayal is so real, which means the punishment fits the crime.

The nine p.m. club.

As an introvert, it's hard to imagine being married to the life of the party. Heck, when we throw a party, we put up a sign that says, "please leave by 9."

The secret to marriage.

Let's face it: this issue will come up at some point. One person runs hot (usually the guy), while the other runs cold.

Cue a non-stop battle of trying to control the temperature pretty much anywhere.

Gossip girls.

Oh, if this isn't true! Husbands know all the hot, juicy gossip about their wives' friends and they're sworn to secrecy.

Some husbands even try to dissect the situation and offer advice as if they're Dr. Phil!

The personal heater.

Remember when we said that guys usually run hot?

Well, whenever they're not complaining about the temperature control, this comes in handy. Women become heat-sucking vampires who want All. The. Heat (preferably to their feet).

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Pictures women take for their husbands: professional-quality shot, great lighting, super clear picture.

Pictures men take of their wives: blurry AF, red eyes making them look like a demon, their hand accidentally captured off to the side.

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