Unsplash | Jonathan J. Castellon

After A Date Goes Wrong, Man Thinks He's Entitled To Ask For A Refund

Dating is complicated. When you're single, putting yourself out there and meeting new people can be a lot. It is definitely anxiety-inducing and scary to try and find someone to love. Sometimes, things work out and sometimes they don't.

When things don't work out, most times, people accept it and move on. Other times, they take things a little too far and it ends up on social media.

We have all seen people who take things too far.

Unsplash | Wiktor Karkocha

Getting rejected definitely sucks and no one wants to feel like they weren't good enough for someone else.

We have seen Instagram accounts that share screenshots and photos of texts from exes and dates that have gone poorly and people who feel some type a way about being dumped.

Sometimes, when things don't work out, people feel like they're "owed" something.

Unsplash | Priscilla Du Preez

People oftentimes feel like when things do not work out and they are dumped or broken up with, that they are owed their time and efforts back.

No one likes to feel like they have "wasted" themselves or their time on someone who does not appreciate them.

However, there are ways to go about things in life.

Unsplash | Kelly Sikkema

While some people feel slighted by others when they are dumped, there are some ways to handle it that are classy and some ways that are embarrassing.

When people take it too far, we can't help but just shake our heads.

One Twitter user shared a screen shot from a guy she had gone on a few dates with.

The guy texted Alex, the Twitter user, starting off sweet saying he "hopes she's doing well." Then, he proceeded to ask what her Venmo is.

For two people who stopped dating, it seems a bit random and strange for him to ask her about her Venmo, right?

He then proceeded to explain that he thinks she "owes him money."

The guy explained that because they wouldn't be dating anymore, he feels it's "only fair" to ask for equal payments from the dates they went on.

He even did the math and said that $35 is "more than fair," and hopes that she'll consider reimbursing him for his money spent.

People online were floored.

One guy said the text was "BS."

He explained that it was "low class" and stupid on the guy's part and if he didn't want to pay for the dates, he should have said it first and foremost and upfront.

Others said to "charge him right back."

One person said she should respond by "charging him" right back. She explained that "time is money" and she should respond by charging him for "the time it took her to prepare for those 3 dates."

Seems like a solid response.

Some people on Twitter wondered what happened to old-fashioned dating rules.

As one user pointed out, asking someone on a date is essentially asking them to be your guest. It's polite (and romantic) to pay for the other person if you asked them out. I'm not saying men should always be expected to pay, but now and then, it is a nice gesture.

There were, however, some people who agreed with him.

One person said this "seems fair." They said that he invested time and money into the relationship and feels that because it did not work out, he wants to ensure he didn't "waste money."

They also said they'd "take back all the money they spent on people who left."


Another Twitter user said this idea was "long overdue".

Another Twitter user sided with Alex's former date and said that men are treated like "banks" by women. This particular user also said that after spending all that money, men, "get nothing in return" from the women they're dating. If you read between the lines, I think we all know what he's talking about. Ewww...

Another person added that men and women should "alternate" paying.

Another person said that they do not understand why people believe men should have to pay for the woman's food.

They shared that alternating between who pays is helpful in everyone feeling things are fair and no one feels they "owe" someone else something.

Here's the question I was wondering this whole time.

Asking for $35 back after three dates had me wondering where on earth did these two go for such a steal? I can barely get a meal for myself for that much, let alone on three separate occasions for two people!

No one ever said dating was easy.

Apparently, in addition to the typical dating anxieties like finding the perfect outfit and picking a restaurant you both like, now we have to worry about reimbursing our dates if it doesn't work out.

What do you think? Was this guy out of line or is he breaking the expectation that guys should have to pay for dates?