TikTok | @bigbruva_77

Man Shares Hack Showing How We've Been Using Parking Spots Wrong All Along

I'm far from an excellent parker — in fact, I'm probably the worst person I know when it comes to parking. I try my best to not get too close to anybody else, but I always end up crooked and a little uneven.

One TikTok user wants to change the parking landscape for people like me, offering an easier alternative with seemingly a lot more space.

Parking lots are the lawless zones of driving.

Unsplash | Lucas Hobbs

It's chaos everywhere, and the tight fit between spaces doesn't help ease any nervousness when navigating through one.

Meant to house tens, hundreds, maybe even thousands of cars, they've been designed as efficiently as possible to fit the most cars per lot that they can.

These designs, being so cramped, can lead to a number of minor accidents and damaged vehicles.

Unsplash | Haidan

Tight spots can be tricky! If only there was a way to create more space while still fitting the same amount of cars...

Well, TikTok user @bigbruva_77 showed the world a way for parking lots to become a little bit easier to handle in a video that now has over 4.5 million views.

In his video where he's walking through a manufacturer's parking lot, he shows how every car is parked on the left-most line rather than between them.

"What if I told y'all we've been parking in parking spots wrong the whole time?" he asks as he pans the camera across the rows of vehicles. "This is where we pick up GM trucks at, and look how they're parked, they're parked on the line. See how evenly spaced they are?"

He urges us to imagine a world where everyone did this.

"Imagine if everyone at Walmart parked like this, it would lessen the amount of dings and give you space to get in and out of your car. We've been doing it wrong the whole time y'all."

The comments were torn, but not in the way you'd think.

People couldn't decide if the idea wasn't good because of logistics or because of human nature.

"That'd be no different than if everyone parked in the center!" one user urged.

Another user repeated the sentiment, then followed with, "[...] the general public is just bad at parking no matter what the standard is."

On the logistics side, a lot of people didn't believe his claims.

Unsplash | Connor Lunsford

Some viewers started to pick apart the illusion. "[They're] only equally spaced [because they're] all the same vehicle," wrote one.

"[The] spaces look bigger [because] if you park in the middle of the spot, the line is in the middle of the space between you and the car beside you," added another, explaining how that visual can make the gap seem smaller.

On the human nature side, most believed that the population couldn't pull off a shift like this.

Not many people had faith in this system seeing as people can't always get the current one right.

In fact, one of the top comments reads, "[It] only works if everyone did this though which would never happen."

Do you think humanity could pull it off? Is it even worth the collective try? Let us know!

h/t: LadBible

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