
30 People Who Have The Worst Luck

Some people have incredible luck, the kinds of people who are always finding money on the floor or winning raffles, and then there are the rest of us.

So, from people who got into a feud with a local peacock to individuals who ended up violet, here are 30 people who have the worst luck!

"Not the best Monday."

"Sorry I'm late, a peacock was attacking my car."

"I mean, at least try to come up with a convincing excuse Dave!"

"Aftermath of tree trunk hitting windshield."

Actually, you could say that they have terrible luck due to the fact that this happened to them or that they're very lucky the tree trunk didn't go much further!

"My girlfriend found a slug in her salad after she ate the whole thing."

One very delightful person did add, "Better than finding half a slug," which is really looking on the bright side!

"Truckload of chicken feet overturned in someone yard near my house."

I cannot imagine how much of a pain in the arse it would be to get this cleaned up, and the smell must have been terrible.

"Tourist trapped 100m high on Chinese glass bridge after floor panels blow out (May 7, 2021)."

Good God, that poor guy will never walk across one of these glass bridges again! I know that I wouldn't!

"My Humpty Dumpty bath bomb arrived shattered."

Are they sure that this isn't a very clever design choice? If I were Lush I'd try to play it off as such anyway!

"'We sterilize every flight' but apparently do not remove human hair from a cup holder do we JetBlue?"

That might be their complimentary beverage for the flight? Seriously though, why are they touching that?!

"It's required to wear a mask while playing sports. Hours spent at a track meet resulted in this beauty of a tan line."

Wow, that's pretty damn severe as well. Good luck balancing that out, gonna need some very specific face-wear to manage that!

"Picked mangoes from a neighbor's tree and then touched my face. APPARENTLY mango tree sap is very toxic and will burn your skin."

Toxic Mango Sap sounds like a really weird death metal group who only do parodies of other metal bands.

"First day at vacation and our half of the hotel hasn't had power. Guess who might be going home early?"

What a wonderful surprise to encounter on your first holiday in however long! I guess this isn't really the time to be asking families to share rooms either!

"They look almost identical for God's sake!"

Well, one thing is for sure, you won't be suffering from Athlete's Foot In Mouth disease any time soon.

"When Batman backs into you at the grocery store..."

I guess that drawing attention to it like this is one way to get around having it fixed? I wonder if the door still works or if they have to clamber in and out through the window?

"The 'window' seat I booked for my 6 hour train journey."

"Ah, but a window is more of a state of mind, wouldn't you agree?"

"No. Give me my money back."

"When FedEx finally delivers the package you've been waiting the rain and with the corner open from them folding it."

This person also did clarify that there was a mailbox nearby for mail and packages, but the delivery driver just thought this was best.

"Ordered size 8 men's shoes and got this."

There must be some poor kid somewhere who is going to school in the biggest shoes he has ever seen.

"My younger siblings destroyed my final from high school fine arts class."

I wonder if there is a way that they can turn this into a kind of postmodern comment on art? Seems like that's what most people do anyway in art.

"My daughter went on a boat trip as a graduation gift. Seems familiar."

Maybe this is some kind of 2021 Suez Canal Obstruction immersion experience? I can't say it would be a very fun experience to re-live though, looks a little boring.

"Nastiest passenger award goes to this guy. His child also proceeded to run up and down the isle screaming. Fun times."

While this is a truly ghastly thing to be stuck next to, another person did posit, "The worst is when they put their toes through the gap of the armrest in the seat in front of them."

"Was already feeling like I can’t do anything right today…"

The amount I relate to this photo is unbelievable. So close, yet so far. Why Honest Kids, why!

"Went to a barber for a neck shave two days before my wedding..."

He'll remember that razor burn/hack job every time he looks at his wedding photos. And as we all know, weddings have a lot of photos.

"Was pretty excited that my Father’s Day present came early."

You think the delivery person would have noticed that the package was, you know, dripping everywhere. The box is definitely staying spicy, though.

"I guess I just pedal too hard."

'Nothing is going to stop me from getting to this promotion meeting. I'm taking my bike to work, not my car, to avoid traffic. What could go wrong?'

"How's your day going?"

You: Alright, world, no funny business today. I'm really just not in the mood.

Alarm Radio: It's a beautiful day with absolutely zero traffic!

You: Oh, I guess today is going to be alright then...

"Looked outside, the sunlight caught our few thousand dollar tractor on fire..."

Pokémon Name: Tractogon

Strengths: farming tasks, transportation, hauling things, badass red paint job, spontaneous combustion.

Weaknesses: Sun, air, water, earth, wind, fire.

"And you may ask yourself, 'Well... how did I get here?'"

Okay, so this obviously isn't a person (we hope that's obvious, anyway), but we felt so much for this little guy that we had to include him on this list.

"I guess you shouldn’t put glass windows over grass when it’s 22 degrees Celsius."

Take the windows out to repaint them, they said. It will be so much easier, they said.

"'2021 Dad of the Year' ladies and gentlemen. I told her to shower, instead of rinse her hair out, right after dying it."

At least they have a towel to match the color, the idea of using a white towel to dry this would push me over the edge.

"My nail broke my nail cutter..."

The bigger question is, 'how strong are your nails?' Maybe these nail clippers belong to Wolverine.

"Forgot to put my cup in while making coffee.."

Not only do they have an incredible mess to clean up, but now they aren't getting that much-needed morning cup of coffee.

"Didn't know my new jacket came with a new identity..."

That is actually how Jason Bourne used to find his new identities, by buying old jackets from second hand shops.