Unsplash | Pietra Schwarzler

Girl Goes Viral After Sharing How She Found A Tile Tracker In Her Purse After A Night Out

It's a pretty scary world that we live in.

Females, especially, are on high alert due to rising cases of harassment and sexual assault. Some of these perps are even getting more creative.

Case in point: a woman recently discovered a tracker in her purse after a night out.

She ended up sharing her story in a now-viral video on TikTok.

Unfortunately, we live in a world where women have to always be on the watch.

Unsplash | Tamara Bellis

There are a number of ways women do so, like holding their keys between their fingers on their way home, or never walking alone at night.

It's sad, but it's true.

Unsplash | Omar Lopez

Women are often attacked or kidnapped, and are taught from a young age how to act, dress, and survive in a world that can so often be against them.

And now in the age of technology, it's easy for people to get creative and more dangerous.

Unsplash | Jake Melara

Like putting trackers in women's purpose.

That's exactly what happened to a young woman, whose story we are about to tell you.

This terrifying breach of security happened to Sheridan Ellis, a 27-year-old woman from Texas.

In a TikTok video, she shared that she had recently gone out with a group of friends for a night out.

She carried a purse with her that night to carry table decorations.

When cleaning out her purse later on, she was shocked to discover a Tile device.

This small, Bluetooth-enabled device is used to find missing items by attaching them to the tile.

Thankfully, Sheridan hadn't headed home first. She also made sure to remove the battery right away.

Since going viral, she's received many comments.

Many told her to contact the police, while another reassured her that the Tile device is out of range after 200 feet.

Some even accused her of making up the story. She has since defended herself against those rumors.

Sheridan only had one motive here: to share her story online as a PSA to other women.

Unsplash | Priscilla Du Preez

"I think it’s just smart for everyone to be aware. I wanted to share my story just so others can be aware—like a ‘keep in mind.’ Do women need to be on high alert?"

"Sure, but I think that honestly, in this day and age, everyone needs to be to some extent."

Unsplash | Becca Tapert

"I shared in the video that I don’t often carry a purse (and I don’t because I lose things easily—oh, the irony)."

"I included that bit of information because I know, for example, my mom doesn’t clean her purse out very often."

Unsplash | LEISARA

"I only had a few things in my purse that night and I knew everything that was in there."

"When I say ‘I cleaned it out’ I just meant I was taking everything out because I was throwing away the decorations we didn’t need anymore, etc."

Unsplash | Artem Beliaikin

"I know for a fact that there was not a Tile in my purse before I left for the night and unfortunately, as the night went on, I ended up with a Tile in my purse." she said.

"I know everyone is saying ‘hey girls, be careful!’ but unfortunately the reality is that this could happen to anyone!" she continued.

"A kid’s backpack, gym bag, purse, etc. This doesn’t mean we should live in fear, it just means we should be aware!"

Take her advice, it's smart!