Fans Are Dragging 'Law & Order: SVU' Star Ice-T For International Women's Day Meme

Ice-T is in some hot water.

The rapper-turned-actor faced the wrath of social media users yesterday when he shared a tone-deaf International Women's Day meme. It's since been branded as "sexist."

Suffice to say, the reception to the Law & Order: SVU' star has been ice cold. Keep reading to see his tweet and the reaction from Twitter users.

Yesterday, March 8, was International Women's Day!

It was a time to celebrate women in every way — in all their social, economic, cultural, and political achievements, as per the global day's website.

Lots of female celebs got involved with the day, sharing their appreciation for themselves and other women.

Kylie Jenner shared this adorable magazine cover with her mom Kris and daughter, Stormi. "#internationalwomensday," she captioned the post.

As one of the youngest billionaires in 2020, she certainly has a lot to celebrate on the business front.

Victoria Beckham, on the other hand, shared some interesting advice to girls.

"Burn your bras!" she wrote with a laughing emoji.

"To all young girls and women all over the world, today is to celebrate us!! Kisses and Happy International Women’s Day x VB #IWD2021," she wrote alongside a video of herself.

Game of Thrones alum, Sophie Turner, shared this sweet photo of all her friends.

Even male celebs got in on the female love.

David Beckham shared the appreciation he has for the strong women in his life.

He shared photos of his wife Victoria, his daughter, Harper, and his mother. The post was incredibly sweet.

"I’ve been so lucky to have such incredible and strong women inspire me throughout my life."

"Today and everyday we celebrate all women around the world… Happy International Women’s day," he shared.

Someone pass me some tissues!

But if there was one male celeb whose International Women's Day post was not well-received, it's Ice-T.

The Law & Order: SVU star took a "different" approach to the day by sharing a picture of a scrapped-up tire hubcap on Twitter, along with the banner: "Happy International Women's Day."

"Car guys feel this... lol," he wrote.

While the actor certainly thought that his post was funny, many of his followers did not.

They even let him know how his post is viewed as "sexist." It blew up in his face very quickly.

"I would categorize this as a cheap shot towards women by someone who is angry at women,"

"It is especially tasteless in that it attempts to trivialize International Women's Day," wrote another user.

Many pointed out the flaws in his meme.

"Ironically the only time I've ever know anyone to mess up a rim this badly was my ex-boyfriend."

"My car is a classic and would never damage my precious baby vehicle like that. If women are the bad drivers, why is men's insurance so much higher than ours?" this user wrote.

One user even brought up Ice-T's daughter. "You're better than this T, think of your daughter. Respect."

After the backlash started, he did reply to some tweets. He replied, "Oh [expletive].. Touhcé'" to this tweet that shows Tiger Woods' recent smashed car and the tweet, "Meanwhile.... men."

When someone else called his tweet "sexist," he replied with, "Lol.... Can’t take a Joke? Block me."

Then, before he stopped replying altogether, he issued out one last tweet: "Attention! Easily offended people should please UNFOLLOW. Thank you."

In the rapper-turned-actor's defense, there were some people who found his meme funny.

"Hahahahaha I'm a woman myself but this is funny," wrote one user.

"It only happened one time ICE," wrote another, alongside a GIF of Jennifer Lopez crossing her arms.

Others saw no lie in his post. "I wanna be mad at you for this... but honestly, I'm guilty AF!"

Ice-T can at least take comfort in the fact that he wasn't the only one dragged yesterday.

Burger King's UK branch also created a social media firestorm with their tone-deaf tweet that said, "Women belong in the kitchen," while trying to highlight female chefs.

Oy vey!

A user pointed out that instead of using clickbait, the account could have just fit everything into one tweet.

They would have avoided a scandal, that is for sure. But hey, who knows, maybe they wanted one!

Anything is possible when it comes to Twitter.

And now, we want to hear from you.

What do you think about Ice-T's tweet? Or Burger King's misfire?

Let us know down in the comment section below! We would definitely love to hear your thoughts on all these matters.