
12+ Kids Who Are Too Savage For Their Own Good

Kids can be innocent and sweet, always giving us love and affection. But, kids have a totally other side where they can be savage and insane all at the same time.

This kid's fortune teller.

Instagram l @crazyd718

Either way, your life is going downhill pretty damn fast.

This kid's brutal honesty.

Instagram l @carmenmcdowell

Hey, at least you know that he's not afraid to be up front with you.

This kid who knows what's good.

Twitter l @XplodingUnicorn

Obviously if it comes down to it, dad can sleep outside so that we can have a kitten.

This girl who wasn't ready for another baby in the family.


This is one of those family pictures that will never, ever get old.

This kid who clearly doesn't like his mom's cooking.

Twitter l @LurkAtHomeMom

Imagine your five-year-old being this savage and ungrateful? Honestly, too funny to be mad.

This girl who went off and got a whole new family.

Twitter l @jordieham

She's taking no prisoners and going for it, full force — bye mom and dad!

This kid who dropped a hard truth on his dad.


Ouch, that has to sting twice as hard coming from your own kid.

This kid who is dark and twisted.

Twitter l @annaszpalik14

This kid is going places — big places.

This kid who is brilliant.


Obviously, Ricky will be married to his wife for a long, long time.

This girl who played her aunt into doing her makeup.

Twitter l @aalexandriahbish

She knew what she was doing the entire time.

This kid who hates everyone.

Twitter l @Monty_Badu

He doesn't want to share his cake OR take a photo with any of those lames.

This kid who's not entirely wrong.

Instagram l @confessions_of_an_adequate_mom

That arrow is pointing somewhere.

This kid who's an absolute legend.

Instagram l @philyeh

Display toilets are still toilets, dad.

This kid who stuffed a lego in his mom's lipstick.

Instagram l @ginaharper1

Try spending time putting on your makeup when theres a Lego in your lipstick, mom. HA!

This kid who is too honest.

Twitter l @itskashaj

Clearly, he's a fashion critic in the making.