16 Pics That Got Us Sayin' 'Yikes!'

You know, we see a lot of content from the internet in our day-to-day, but some pics definitely stand out more than others. Sometimes we can't help but actually react out loud when we see something either hilarious, ridiculous, nerve-racking, or a bit of each!

Today we're looking at pics that, at the very least, got my anxiety-ridden self saying, "Yikes!" Which is not an expression I take lightly, thank you very much.

1. We'll start light with this one.

Imgur | DunderGifflin

Just a basic, funny fail. I mean, I'm not some forerunner of technology, but I'm pretty sure smartphones have been out long enough to figure this one out.

2. I'm gonna guess the second one?!

Imgur | derschwigg

I mean, it'd be a pretty boring story if it wasn't. I guess we have to make our own conclusions here, but saying, "Oh man, I put coffee in my coffee maker" just seems dull.

3. I haven't bean to the playground in ages.

Instagram | @flamingpantuals

But there's a time and a place for baked beans — they shouldn't affect other people's silly slide fun time. Keep them in your shoes and laundry detergent holders, where beans belong!

4. Well, I don't think I could do much better, really.

Instagram | @will_ent

And I kinda like where this sleepy lookin' dude drawing is going. He kinda looks like he's saying, "not sure if I'm a chameleon or a version of the Fry meme."

5. Kids are savage, man, totally savage.

Instagram | Instagram

They just don't hold back, huh? My little niece the other day asked why I have such a long beard. I said, "I dunno, it just grew like that," and she responded with "Blehhhh." Thanks, gurl.

6. And today in pointless designs...

The Chive | The Chive

I know it seems like a redundant sign, but at least they gave some warning. I'm kidding, the irony here is so rich, it's fattening.

7. Here's why you shouldn't lose Focus while drive.

Reddit | human-redditor

Like, literally losing your Ford Focus. I don't think those things come with submarine abilities. In fact, they haven't taken any of my suggestions!

8. Talk about a sticky situation.

Instagram | @kalesalad

This dude looks like he was attacked by some housing insulation or had a flamingo explode on him. Either way, it's not a great look, but he still pulls off pink alright.

9. A different kind of sticky situation

Reddit | 03Shael

Did anyone else have adults in their life tell them that an escalator would basically eat you up if you got caught? It's still a fear I have for some reason.

10. Literally the last person you want to get into a fender-bender with.

Reddit | Facerless

But hey, at least the police will be on the scene right away. You might not want them to be, but they're there.

11. You're supposed to whip out the cash, not rip out the cash.

Reddit | 03Shael

I don't know about you, but I'd have a breakdown if I even ripped a dollar! That's bad vibes.

12. Sorry, your dad must have a longer name.

Reddit | keelymepie

I don't know a security question that has ever really made that much sense. "What is your favorite book?" Excuse me? You know very well that I cannot read.

13. The face of disappointment — I know it too well. 

Imgur | Imgur

But how else are you supposed to react when your cookies come out looking like a photo of the surface of Mars?

14. Who are you selling these jeans to? Slender Man?!

Instagram | @flamingpantuals

It almost looks like they tried to make attached socks or something. I guess you could always cut off the bottoms and make some sweet jean sleeves.

15. Hey, art is supposed to be up to interpretation, right?

Instagram | @menshumor

So, maybe this doesn't exactly fit your definition of "a e s t h e t i c," but this pic shows moms for the superheroes they are! Plus, it's just way funnier this way.

16. And lastly, this deep-dish disaster.

Instagram | @kalesalad

There's really only one thing you can do in a situation like this — bust out the solar-powered toaster ovens and let's have a party!

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