
9+ Tweets That Prove Grocery Shopping With Toddlers Is Not For The Faint Of Heart

Going food shopping can be stressful, especially when you have an entire family to feed. When you want to go grab a few things quickly and get in and get out, it's almost impossible to do so when you have toddlers and kids with you. Food shopping with kids is not for the faint of heart.

Every. Single. Time.

Twitter l @topknottoni

Going grocery shopping with kids means little tiny toddler hands sticking out of the cart or running around the store grabbing everything filled with sugar, fat, and definitely not on sale.

Seriously, we need this movie to be made.

Twitter l @PerfectPending

Trying to get in and out of the grocery store while you make sure that your kids aren't eating things you have to pay for or, having to go to the bathroom — it's mission impossible, really.

Whoops, that didn't work.

Twitter l @XplodingUnicorn

You have to know how to play the game when it comes to kids. We all know that grocery shopping is a real pain, especially for little ones. So, make them know that you will take your sweet time when they act up.

The bill change dramatically.

Twitter l @TheOnlyMommaG

Kids want to throw everything in the cart so that by the time you get to the check out, your receipt looks like a tape measure that goes on, and on, and on — forever.

Kids just know how to press our buttons, don't they?

Twitter l @Musings_of_wine

Kids also love to make you buy everything they think they want and by the time they get home, they claim there is nothing in the house to eat at all. Where did that $400 go?

How do they know?!

Twitter l @MyMomologue

How do we hide the fact that they are our children and we raised them to ask these embarrassing and inappropriate questions? We can't.

Toddlers and grocery stores don't mix.

Twitter l @momonmanna

Toddlers, you can take them anywhere in the world and they will find a way to make it impossible to get through it quickly and quietly. Instead, they make it... horrible.


Twitter l @sarcasticmommy4

Sometimes the best form of torture is turning the ball around on the kids and showing them how truly annoying they can be when they beg and whine and complain.

Seriously, they put everything in the cart.

Twitter l @MinistryOfMum

No matter how many times you say no, eventually you decide to say yes because it's too damn much to handle.

That's not what that's called...

Twitter l @mama_babble

Make sure you explain that it's food and the more that they say horrible things, the more likely you are to feed them "Brain Meat" for dinner every night.

Avoid self check-out at all costs.

Twitter l @Domestic Goddss

Everything is an adventure to kids, especially doing things themselves. But, it's probably a good idea to save the milk and ice cream for a different day when your kids aren't there

Kids lie.

Twitter l @Six_Pack_Mom

Kids only want to come food shopping with you if you are buying sweets and treats and snacks—trust me.

At least there's wine.

Twitter l @whatbabytalk

Sometimes the grocery store with your kids, however, isn't the worst place on Earth. Sometimes it's the only place you can get away with buying alcohol with your kids and not look bad.

It's like a choir.

Twitter l @yenniwhite

Clearly, every kid is screaming, so how are we to know which screaming kid is our screaming kid? So many screams, so little time.

Shopping cart accidents are a real thing.

Twitter l @FatherWithTwins

Kids, they seem so adorable in one moment and then virtually no more than a minute later, they ruin it all in one fell swoop.

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