Reddit | darkreaper476

16 People Who Tried, But Not Hard Enough

Whether you're trying to get a day off work, get a job (not necessarily well) done, or just make it through your day, it helps to put a modicum of effort in. Unfortunately, these people didn't give it their all, or their all just wasn't enough.

1. Here's an idea: Maybe don't make yourselves signs that make you more noticeable if you don't want to be caught.

Reddit | Reddit

Discretion is the better part of valor, but it's also the key component in not doing something really stupid like this.

2. This poor doggo just wanted to keep his bones where no one else could find them. That way people would just keep buying him new ones!

Reddit | Medcartoon

It's a doggone shame that he had to turn to a life of crime to do it, though.

3. Protip for calling in sick: don't do it after a major game, movie, or other significant release just happened.

Reddit | Louis83

Especially in the case where your boss is as up-to-date on current trends as you are. Maybe offer to let them play, and they'll cut you a deal!

4. When not even the most commonly used letters in the alphabet can help you, you need to step your game up.

Reddit | IForgotAboutDre

I ran this through a program and I think the answer is Foxhound. Could be wrong, though! I know he was.

5. I sure hope this was worth the buy! At least the photographer had the decency to cover up his face.

Reddit | darkreaper476

He must be taking it back to Pepsi HQ to reverse-engineer it. And by reverse-engineer, I obviously mean drink it.

6. There's a difference between working smart and working hard, but this will probably end up being neither of those.

Reddit | junc-to-us

That kid is one mild tug away from roaming freely in his birthday suit.

7. In their defense, it's important to have realistic life goals. The real question is, do they want to eat meatloaf as in the dish, or the singer?

Reddit | stevenvidal33

Either way, they're going to be in for a fight if they try to eat the whole thing.

8. Another senseless act of vandalism, and one utterly lacking any kind of imagination whatsoever.

Reddit | DenkeyKeng

If that mediocre Batman symbol is any indication, unimaginative crime must be running rampant around here.

9. Before you try to rob a place, make sure the owner didn't moonlight as a pro wrestler before settling down.

Bah gawd JR, he's trying to get over the counter! Here comes the steel chair!

10. Rodney might want to improve his brand by seeming 100% less sketchy.

Reddit | Axxalon

This is why it's better to brainstorm your business name ideas instead of going with the first one that comes to your mind.

11. GVM fo DOR, the hottest new title for the Playstation 4.

Reddit | Bionicman76

After this bus made its rounds, sales for GVM fo DOR went through the roof! You can't argue with good marketing.

12. Before you attempt to hit on almost 40 people at once, maybe don't put them into a group chat by accident.

Reddit | DramaticGasp

Whatever comes next for that guy, he definitely deserves it.

13. While I applaud his efforts to make sure his kid was safe, I maybe would have put him a little further back.

What you can't see because of the angle is the large red X that he put the kid on.

14. To the untrained eye, fake money can be hard to spot. To the untrained counterfeiter, fake money can be a little obvious.

Reddit | heyitslavinia

They couldn't seem to be able to decide on whether they wanted a five or a twenty.

15. These kids either play or watch too much Grand Theft Auto. Before you know it, they'll be trying to sneak into R-rated movies by stacking one on top of the other in a trench coat.

Reddit | The_Alaskan_Assassin

16. He probably should have shaved his legs before doing this, because taking those off is going to hurt. A lot.

Instagram |

How do you even begin to explain why you have thousands of dollars taped to your legs?

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