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Fans Started A GoFundMe For Suicide Prevention In Honor Of Zack Snyder’s Daughter

Snyder Cut fans have launched a campaign for Zack Snyder and his daughter, who took her own life during the filming of Justice League.

It is centered around San Diego Comic-Con and the goal is to raise money for the America Federation for Suicide Prevention.

Fans are desperate for two things.

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One is to get the cut of Snyder's Justice League and the other is to honor the memory of his daughter.

The Director's Cut does exist, but it's not yet released, as Zack stopped filming after the death of his daughter.


But fans continued to raise awareness for the cut.

However, they also have made sure to include themselves in raising support, awareness, and money for suicide prevention.

A GoFundMe has been created by Snyder Cut fans.

Twitter | @ZackSnyder

At San Diego Comic-Con they want to show their support for Snyder and all those who suffer from thoughts of suicide.

Snyder is also constantly bringing awareness to the AFSP.

There will even be a banner flying above the convention for two hours that will have the words: #ReleaseTheSnyderCut.

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