Daily Express

Fans Figured Out Who The Mysterious Character Is At The End Of 'Avengers: Endgame'

Looks like we've got some cool Endgame details coming up.

We don't recommend reading past this if you haven't seen the movie.

So there's a really neat Easter egg at the end of "Avengers: Endgame"


But if you haven't seen the movie and want to avoid spoilers, stop reading right now.

Here goes the spoilers alarm wee oo wee oo wee oo alright 3,2,1 here we go into spoiler territory.

You were warned.

Wasn't "Avengers: Endgame" awesome?

Reddit | ikaxhif

I'm assuming since you've read this far you've either seen it or don't care, but nevertheless.

Professor Hulk was cool and cringey, but that was the point I guess.

And Captain America's Hail Hydra moment? Iconic.

There were some confusing parts, though.


I mean, I'm going to have to watch it again just to try and grasp the whole time travel bit, but during my first viewing I just kind of let go of my inhibitions and watched.

One confusing part, in particular, comes at the end.

Daily Express

You know, during... Tony's funeral.

That's right, hopefully, you aren't someone who hasn't seen it and accidentally scrolled down or something. If so... sorry?

Well, as we all know, Tony Stark dies in this movie.


He dies in such a cool and heroic way too, using the Infinity stones and saying "I am Iron Man" just like he did in the first one.

What a fitting send-off.

Anyway, during Tony's funeral, we're panning through all the Marvel characters.


He is Tony Stark after all and he's clearly a popular guy.

We get through Spider-Man and Aunt May, the Black Panther crowd, Ant-Man, etc...

Then we get to a teenager.


At first, I thought it was Tom Holland, but then I remembered seeing him with Aunt May.

Who was this mysterious teenager? Who was this young man amongst such big names?

A long lost son? Maybe a Protégé?


Maybe this teenager will be a part of the Young Avengers alongside Peter Parker, Hawkeye's daughter, and Teen Groot.

Ooh, a Teenage Avengers! That appeals to my demographic!

But no, turns out he's a totally different character.


Oh yes, the brilliant minds down at Reddit have done it once again! Those big brained internet experts, is there anything they can't do?

Apparently, he's the kid from "Iron Man 3"


The one who helped Tony against the Mandarin, who's garage they used to fix Tony's armor.

Don't worry if you don't remember, there aren't many who recall Iron Man 3.

His name is Harley Keener, and fans were relieved to finally know the truth.

IMDb, Reddit

And he's a bit of a tinkerer, much like Tony.

The two build a rapport based on their time together in Iron Man: 3 and at the end of that movie, Tony gives him a bunch of cool technology. What a swell guy!

So how will Harley effect the future of Marvel?


Well, let's think: considering he's an inventor like Tony, has some of Tony's gadgets and is almost grown up now... maybe he'll be a new member of the New Avengers?

Maybe... but I dunno.


Considering how much time we spent with his daughter, and how Rescue was shown off in the final battle, one of them is more likely to take up the mantle as the new Iron Man... Iron Lady... Iron... Person.

My prediction: maybe a quick cameo, or a side character.


Maybe he'll be a scientist who works for S.H.I.E.L.D. in the future, maybe he'll help the New Avengers find... the uh...new infinity stones?

I honestly can't see what the future for Marvel will be.

What do you think they should do with Mr. Keener?


Will he be the next head of Stark Industries? Or do you think he'll be shot up into space to hang with the Guardians Of The Galaxy like Thor was?