Unsplash | Huy Phan

Twitter Loves This Story Of A Waiter That Secretly Helped A Couple On A First Date

If you've ever felt nervous on a first date, or worried about the price of the steak dinner you promised someone, this is a story you're going to want to tune in for.

Good people are hard to come by, and good people who do kind things for strangers are even less common — yet this story is a lovely example of what happens when special people like these do nice things.

This story was born where most good stories are these days — Twitter.

Twitter user Tim, AKA @forwardnotback, began a thread featuring a series of tweets about a fresh, young couple out on the town.

Tim began by describing a typical first-date scenario.

Instagram | @lcl_719

You know the one — nerves, giggles, blushing, pretending you want a salad when you really want mashed potatoes sandwhiched between two steaks.

The date moved along nicely, and the kids finally got to view the menu.

The menu with prices. The menu with prices that far exceed what these kids had in mind. Yikes!

Once the wine list came, though, it seems like they both knew they were in a little too deep.

But they played it cool — especially him. And she was just as cool with her response!

A brief bathroom inermission let these two love birds wipe the sweat from their brows momentarily.

Grinning + texting your friends about the date you're still on is a major mood. She was loving it!

Tim, our narrator, gets a refill on his own wine, before witnessing the good nature of this waiter's actions.

Oh, the roast beef comes with champagne? Interesting...

Tim then watched as two people fell more in love by the kindness of a stranger's actions.

The waiter really pulled a sneaky one with the champagne, and it's so, so lovely.

A special shout out to the world's greatest solo diner, Tim AKA our dinner date private eye.

Without his live-tweeting, we never would've heard this beautiful love story!

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