Fixing stuff these days is so pricey. It seems silly to pay for a pro to do it when there are a wealth of DIY videos on the internet. I mean, with the right amount of duct tape and some plywood, who needs to hire a professional, am I right? With the wealth of knowledge of the entire internet at your disposal, it’s hard to screw it up.
And yet…
1. This is a really baaad design.

I don’t know about ewe, but I’m super not into this. This looks like The Throne Of Three Nightmares in a fantasy RPG. Like, this is what the final boss of the next Dragon Age game is sitting on when you confront him for the final battle.
2. Great idea, bad execution.

Anyone who’s worn Converse during even light snow knows that these are going to get soaked and gross ten minutes into going outside, even if you kick the snow away first. And then, not only do you have wet feet, you’ve probably also tripped about eighty times.
3. The shells are aerodynamic.

I can’t decide what this car says more: “I couldn’t afford a van with a sweet house door for my Burning Man trip so I improvised,” or “My name is Sheila, and I decorate my entire house with beach motifs.” Either way, it isn’t working.
4. Sure, this is a temporary solution to a big problem.

Except the person who posted this said they’ve been using this solution for two years. Go to Home Depot and just get a new tap already, or pay a handyman. It’s time. Look at the rust on that thing.
5. Ran out of bricks? No problem.

Just grab some wooden blocks and label them “brick.” Nobody will be the wiser. This is like Sidewalk Design Brought To You By The Team That Made The Emperor’s New Clothes . Not the authors of the book, the actual tailors of the clothes.
6. This feels like it belongs in a museum.

Something this badly designed has to be intentional. I mean, the denim, the awkward blend of the two chairs…the denim. This has to be an art piece. Like, how do you even sit on this monstrosity?
7. These people are taking #vanlife to the next level.

Want your mobile home to look homier? Just use a door meant for the front of a house! The purple really looks great against the white, too. Everyone at Burning Man will really appreciate it, I bet.
8. Car doesn’t include an ashtray? Get creative.

Of course, the resale value of your car is now about the same as the resale value on your old tattered Beanie Baby from 1998, and your car is almost guaranteed to catch fire sooner or later, but you do you, sweetie.
9. Once your car DOES catch fire, here’s a good way to salvage the remains.

Take the hood of your car and make it into a table. It’s not trashy, it’s “rustic.” This is probably the worst table I’ve ever seen, which means Pinterest probably LOVES it.
10. Just paint over the rust, they said. It’ll be fine, they said.

Looking at the bad paint job on this car is making me itchy. Photos like this are what you send your exes when you want to punish them for never returning your favorite book before they broke up with you.
11. This is creative, but also a lot of work.

Especially considering that replacing a clock will set you back about ten dollars. I know being thrifty is rad and all, but this doesn’t remind me of Salvador Dali’s “Melting Clocks,” it just looks like it’s sadness time, all the time.
12. When you want the beautiful tinkling of wind chimes…

…But you also want everyone to know you’re what happens when Axe body spray makes people. This windchime says, “I like Duck Dynasty and have more than six sets of wrenches.” Yikes.
13. No bumper, no problem.

Forget carrying around a spare tire, this guy is going to need a fire extinguisher, because it’s only a matter of time before the front of his car bursts into flames. Flame decals aren’t cute when they’re painted on, and this is a real life Hot Wheels waiting to happen.
14. I mean, at least it isn’t plywood?

It’s hideously ugly, but I’m kind of into it. This bad patch job makes the car look a little Frankenstein-esque, and the stitching looks so precise it’s almost surgical. The duct tape is definitely ruining the vibe, though.
15. I mean, this is probably the best looking one on this list.

It looks finished, it’s a practical solution, and it looks like it probably won’t cause a fire. But putting the handle on horizontally when the door opens vertically pretty much ensures someone’s gonna yank the door off at some point.
16. This wasn’t well thought-out.

However, this would be a GREAT drawer to keep your dishwasher tabs in, just maybe not your cutlery. To be fair, this looks like it may have been installed by a pro, which proves that even hiring someone may not yield the best results.
17. I get not having enough outlets in your home.

But did you really think drilling holes in the wall and adding a power switch was going to solve your problem?
18. Tin foil is pretty strong, but is it padlock strong?

In a pinch this could work, but I advise people to just go out and get a new lock instead of doing this. It won’t work for long, if at all.
19. Genius or lazy?

I suppose if you hold the handle down with an elastic you’ll get the same outcome that you would if you used a real shower head, but it’s just ugly.
20. Don’t you mean “door chair?”

You literally cut up a door to sit on and didn’t even bother to varnish or paint it. Also, 60 bucks is a steep price for something that looks terribly uncomfortable.
21. I’ve been seeing a lot of these around.

While this might be a cheaper option than paying for a new car door handle, it seems like a lot of work and just looks so bad.
22. I’m having flashbacks to the bunk bed in Step Brothers.

I hope this is a joke and no one attempts to sleep in it. This is how you get maimed.
23. You…you ruined it.

You can get a handle for your phone from the dollar store. Was this welded on or glued? Either way, it was a terrible idea and you don’t deserve a phone.
24. “The original figure is $80, so obviously…”

$80 is pretty expensive for a figurine (even though it’s pretty average) but what makes you think Play-Doh is going to stand up next to it? Whatever floats your boat.
Last Updated on March 14, 2018 by Diply