Sometimes, life has a way of just working out. Of course, life also has a way of not working out, but let’s not dwell on the negative. We’re here to celebrate those happy little accidents.
Pink flamingo.

This is just a little clump of sock fuzz, composed entirely out of random fibers. But it looks unnervingly like a little pink flamingo.
Mic stand.

This mic stand might not blend in well, but it’s doing a good job considering it’s made out of an old bottle that’s been weighted down.
Mark your pens.

The clicky part of this pen came off, but this screw works nicely as a substitute. It also shows, beyond a doubt, who this pen belongs to.
Easy on the thumbs.

I don’t think this will last that long, but for now, this cork has come in handy after the thumb stick broke off.
Honk honk.

I love finding driftwood on the beach. I love it even more when the driftwood resembles something. For instance, here’s a driftwood duck.
Snow sculpting.

Thanks to the shape of these decorative paving stones and the shadow they cast, the snow has accumulated in a visually pleasing way.
Plant imitates animal.

A cactus plant takes forever to grow. But if you’re willing to wait a few eons, sometimes it grows into something special.
Angling in.

At one point, it looked like these creepy icicles were trying to get inside the house. Thankfully, they angled back down eventually.
Lined up.

I wonder if the wing of this plane was painted for this very scenario: when it lines up perfectly with the clouds below and the sky above.
If it clips, it fits.

This person ran out of clothes pegs, but found that the little clippy tags from bread bags work equally well.
Localized weather system.

Don’t ask me why, but the employees of this store decided to make their own cloud system using distilled water vapor.
Classy Uno.

This stripped-down, minimalistic Uno set looks pretty awesome and functions just as well as the cards we’re used to.
At least it’s polite.

If all keyboards used human language like ‘Please’ rather than robot language like ‘Enter’, the world just might be a better place.
When veggies bloom.

Normally you don’t want veggies to sprout. But this broccoli bloom is so pretty that it deserves its own vase.
Everyone gets some exercise.

Parents are used to sitting on a bench as their kids play, but this playground gets parents involved by providing workout equipment.
English salsa.

This is Worcestershire sauce, but in Spanish it’s known as ‘English sauce’. That’s much better, because it’s easier to pronounce than ‘Worcestershire’.
Word to the wise.

Ikea stores don’t leave anything to chance, not even their fake toilets. I wonder if this was a proactive decision, or if it was prompted by an incident.
Made for each other.

I’ve kind of always wondered why travel pillows have such a weird shape. It’s embarrassing that it took me this long to figure it out.
Wait, what?

A strange trick of the camera has created a weird luminescent rectangle around this bolt of lightning.

Someone decided to take the iconic ‘Jazz’ design — the embodiment of the ’90s — and get it printed on this custom goblet.
Last Updated on June 17, 2021 by D