There are plenty of times when you need to be careful while taking a picture. Not for any bad reason; literally because the angle you choose could change everything.
Unless that was the point, of course. I guess some people love confusing others with weird perspectives as much as others love being confused. I mean, that’s kind of why this list exists.
Snowy hill, or cloudy sky?
At a glance, this does really look like a snowy hill. But the sun kind of gives it away. And the bits of sky peeking out from behind the clouds.
“Two-headed Greyhound.”
Yeah, it took me a second. Like, obviously I know that dogs don’t have 2 heads. But the way those two are standing are making me question a lot of things.
This flat building.
I swear, there are so many buildings out there that look flat from certain angles. Who keeps building these? And why are they making them look impossible?
The disappearing dog.
I’m honestly still staring at this picture because I can’t figure out where the dog’s body went. Maybe it really did disappear, and we’re staring at a real-life magic trick.
“Window heater melted the window.”
That would honestly freak me out so much. The idea that part of your window melted sounds terrifying!
Not as terrifying as driving behind someone who didn’t bother to clear the snow off the top of their car, though…
“Going for a stroll.”
I almost said, “oh no! Look out, kitty!”
And then I realized that the angle is all off, and the cat is, in fact, on the ground. Crisis averted.
“Perfectly aligned reflection.”
This kind of illusion is one of the craziest things to me. Like, does this happen purely by coincidence, or do people actually plan this kind of thing?
“A Headless Man and his friend.”
I bet that dude has no idea that he looks like he’s missing his head. It’s amazing how these kinds of things just, like, happen randomly and stuff.
“Had no idea my wife was part dog.”
This is another one of those pictures that took me way longer to figure out than it probably should. Because obviously the woman and the dog are two different beings. Obviously.
This directionless dog.
I’m, like, 85% sure that those lil’ paws belong to that dog. But it’s honestly so hard to tell if there’s a second dog just out of view or not.
“Sailing through the sky.”
This ship is either sailing in an infinite ocean, or it’s floating in the air. Or, it’s in the ocean, and it’s just hard to see the horizon in this shot. Whatever works.
“Jaybird playing with his happy friend.”
The funny thing is, I can totally picture that dog (or any dog, really) making that exact face. But I’m sure he’s in a way better mood than this picture makes it seem.
“Who left this metal pipe in the walk-in?”
It actually took me so long to realize that there’s no pipe in this picture. The lighting along the hole in that box is super convincing!
This picture of the ocean that looks more like a planet.
The funny thing about this picture is that OP probably didn’t mean for it to look like a planet. They originally posted this to r/whatisthisthing , and just wanted to know what that boat in the middle is (It’s a submarine).
“Bowling ball to the face!”
I honestly have no clue what’s going on here, but it really looks like that woman is about to get hit with a bowling ball. The fact that there’s so much motion blur on her isn’t helping things.
“A few years ago I caught the fog blending almost seamlessly with the water.”
The more I look at this picture, the more confused I get. How can the water be so reflective when it’s so foggy out?
On the plus side, it’s a really pretty shot.
Is there a pair of legs there, or…
Even though I know that trash along the wall is just trash, I can’t help but see it as a pair of legs. The only question now is, are they the legs of the guy in the poster?
Double Dog
I bet these adorable pups have no idea that they look like a single dog. To be honest, I’m really glad that animals with heads on both sides of their bodies don’t exist, even if it does look kind of cute.
“Wait, where are we going?”
This is honestly messing me up. Like, I actually can’t tell if there’s a second plane off camera somewhere, and the shadow we’re seeing belongs to it. Or, if the shadow does belong to that plane, but something funky is happening with the lighting.
I think the plane we see is actually on the tarmac and not flying at all, but who the heck knows.
This cat is doing the impossible.
Is this cat some kind of mutant? Is there magic involved? Is it heavily edited?
Actually, it’s none of the above! OP confirmed in the comment section that there are, in fact, two cats in this picture. You just can’t see most of the second one from this angle.
Last Updated on February 18, 2022 by Ashley Hunte