You know the nod I’m talking about, the acknowledgment that alright, this thing I’m seeing is pretty cool actually, and I appreciate the way it varies upon the rest of its companions.
This list features those moments, joyful little things that bring easy smiles to our faces and leave us feeling a little lighter than before.
“My friend’s outfit exactly matched my coffee cup today.”

You mean her coffee cup, right? No way did you see this happen and then just let her continue that day without the perfect matching accessory?
“‘Complimentary sticks’ for dogs in a posh part of London.”

The dogs who go to whatever park this is have more money than I do, I can tell. I see this type of design motif and know everything in the vicinity is going to cost half of my biweekly paycheck.
“I’m at a townie bar in rural Wisconsin, they have a headrest at the urinals in the men’s room.”

Conceptually, very funny and maybe even convenient for those who are really going through it. In practice? Well, let’s just say I wouldn’t want to see the swab sample taken off that thing.
“Local pizza shop puts the math on their box.”

I’m no math expert, but that final statement still doesn’t feel right. No, I’m also not willing to check the work they showed.
High school math teachers everywhere must be proud, though.
“This pizza place in Japan has been counting pizzas for 60 years.”

Between this place and the last one, pizza joints are really stepping up their game. It’s a big sea full of a lot of pizza business fish, they have to stand out as the apex predator somehow!
“I ordered 1 coffee table, they sent me 7 more.”

How a mistake like this even happens, I have no idea. At this point, it wouldn’t be worth the hassle to return. You could just sell them and make a bit of bank.
(Unless that’s legally dubious, in which case, don’t. Definitely don’t do that.)
“This bidet in a Clearwater, FL motel.”

The comment section to this photo taught me something new, which is that many bidets around the world look exactly like this and are more manually involved than the ones commonly sold in the ol’ US of A.
“Few years back found this guy on a factory tour near Greenbay.”

Factory work is hard, you have to introduce some things into the workplace that boost employee morale and make them feel like working there is a real treat.
“Coworker pointed out my gloves have stitch graphic in the exact same spot I actually have stitches.”

Do those gloves have any other stitches in them? I’m not saying they’re cursed and causing your injuries here, but it is awfully convenient that these happened in the same spot.
“This mushroom car I found.”

When you simply have to let everyone know you’re a woodland witch who lives deep in the forest, making friends with sprites and squirrels alike, but you also have to make it to your dentist appointment on time.
“My son has grown in height between 58mm and 62mm consistently every year from ages 3 to 9.”

I hope he’s this organized and precise in all areas of his life, and his body just knew how his personality would turn out in the long run. That, or he’s a robot.
“I’ve never seen a pair of dress shoes with split toes…”

Wow, something I actually know about! I’ve seen this style before in boots, but these are called tabi shoes. What I don’t know is what purpose they serve, if any. Maybe it’s only for the fashion.
“The Rag – clever use for old rags in this hotel.”

I would like to believe this is truly some environmental concern thing, and that probably is part of it, but I think they just got sick of people dirtying up their nice towels with makeup.
“Opened a brand new Uno deck and found 50 blues, 50 greens and a singular yellow. No reds to be found.”

Would this still be playable? It might be more boring, sure, but it could still work. Well, until someone pulls that zero, then it’s game over for them.
“This clothes dryer has a plug holder for the power cord so it doesn’t flail around while trying to move it.”

Believe it or not, I have quite a bit of experience moving washing machines, and a slot like this would have been an absolute life-saver some of those times. More convenient designs, please!
“[Beer] can has foil on top to keep it clean.”

Is that why some cans of fancy drinks have foil? I thought it was a weird gimmick tactic to make their brand stand out, but this makes a lot more sense.
“I delivered Chipotle to two apartments that are on top of each other, at the same time.”

Maybe the people in this building live in some kind of mindmeld. It was part of their lease when they signed it, but no one really goes through all those clauses, do they?
“Picked up this 70s windbreaker at a thrift store today and there was a broken fin from a Lawn [Dart] in the pocket.”

It was already a staple of its time by design alone, but the lawn dart really adds to it. Do you think they got stuck by one while wearing this jacket and that’s why they kept the fin?
“This tiny oil lamp I found, lighter for scale.”

Perfect for when you need to write very tiny longing letters to your secret noble lover who’s away on a diplomatic trip, who, as you write, is staring out the window and wishing for your reply.
“This colorful cat at a local smokeshop.”

What I love even more than that cat is the giant box of cat treats next to him. You know he gets well fed by every customer that walks in, so he’s willing to look a little silly in exchange.

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Last Updated on February 26, 2022 by Daniel Mitchell-Benoit