What can you do with creativity ? Well, some people, myself included, barely have enough to do anything with. Others might make a career out of being creative, while some merely dabble.
We’re not saying that everyone here is the most brilliantly creative person in existence. But they’re at least a little bit impressive .
“This guy at Walgreens wearing a backpack with a ferret inside.”
As if being the guy with the weird bubble pet backpack wasn’t enough, this guy has upped the ante by putting a ferret inside.
“This counts, right?”
I’m not sure if the rustic shopping cart decor is necessarily my style, but it’s hard not to appreciate the creativity at play here. And it’s obviously doing the job it was intended to do, so how bad could it be?
“This guy mowing the bus stop.”
Not many of us go to work every day, climb a ladder, then cut the grass on top of a bus stop, but this guy sure does. That’s the cost of creatively topping a bus stop with sod, I suppose.
“Free tattoos anyone?”
I desperately want to believe that this guy wanted the tattoo done this way, because if he didn’t, that’s a big error to wear for the rest of his life — or until he can afford laser removal or a super talented cover-up.
“Going through an old family album, apparently my brother looked like Andy Samberg 30 years ago.”
There’s something about the aesthetic of early ’90s school portraits that just resonates with me. Add an Andy Samberg doppelganger to the mix and it’s even better.
“They thrash ‘different’ up north.”
I won’t listen to anyone who tries to say Celine Dion isn’t a Canadian national treasure. She deserves all the adulation, even if it’s a tad weird.
“How my girlfriend slices onions…”
They say that if it looks stupid and it works, then it ain’t stupid. How about if it looks super cool and it works? It still might not be super cool — but that’s not the important part of the equation.
“Real question.”
When I go to a sporting event, I’m pretty much resigned to spending a hundred bucks and getting two beers and some nachos, but this free thinker is willing to challenge the status quo.
“Coworker kept taking my hole punch… well not anymore.”
I don’t want to call this incredibly passive-aggressive, but I don’t really know any other way to characterize it. At least it works, even if you have to unlock it every time you need to punch a hole or two.
“The legs on this table in the Idaho State Capitol Building.”
When you see antique furniture, the odds are pretty good that the original craftsman is long dead. But just in case the person who made this table is reading Diply, I just want to tell them that they did a great job.
“Propagating plants in potty chair?? Strange upcycling.”
Look, potty chairs and toilets are a great source of fertilizer when you really think about it, but that doesn’t mean that this is a good idea.
“Public service announcement: please don’t crochet baby dolls.”
I would never, ever, ever want this anywhere near my home. That said, I kind of have to appreciate the creativity, and the amount of work it took to make this.
“Knock it off and stab yourself multiple times!”
Some people like knife blocks, while others go for magnetic knife strips. The third category opts for whatever this is. I have to assume that steel-toed shoes are mandatory footwear in this kitchen, just in case.
“What in the heck.”
It kind of looks like a smaller car drove into a larger car so fast that they just morphed into one car. It’s a solar-powered success, but at what cost?
“Stapled a piece of felt to my desk because I didn’t have a mousepad, works like a charm.”
If you have a smooth workstation, you probably don’t even need a mousepad. But if you love that comforting mousepad feeling, you could do worse than this.
“Chicken lamp. It’s hideous but I want it.”
There’s nothing like the bright glare of a lightbulb with no shade combined with the aesthetic of staring at a chicken’s b**t.
“Redneck fire alarm.”
I’m pretty sure this is basically just a joke, but it would work — once the flames got high enough to get up here.
“Replaced our hand soap (right) with a replica carved out of a potato (left). Lets see how many days it takes until somebody notices.”
They clearly did a good job with this prank, because looking at the photo, I couldn’t tell you which one was real soap.
“This guy’s license plate.”
This isn’t bad, but the ultimate extended license plate is the one that reads ‘ETALLIC’ with an M on the left and an A on the right.
“My bored girlfriend decided style my hair. Leg hair.”
I guess this is something that can be done. I can’t explain why I find this image so very disconcerting. It’s just hair, after all, and it can be straightened again with ease — but still.
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Last Updated on March 4, 2022 by D