The list of things men can do to annoy a woman is a long one.
There’s not cleaning up after themselves, leaving the toilet seat up, and forgetting important dates and anniversaries.
But when it comes to one of the worst offenses, there is mansplaining . This is when a man tries to explain something, usually to a woman, in a condescending manner.
These 19 examples of just that are sure to get your eyes rolling!
The snowboarder
![Image credit: Unsplash | Sebastian Staines](
This girl received a dumb awakening when she talked to a guy about snowboarding. When she said her favorite thing to do on the board was moguls, he said that the curved board she had wasn’t right for it. But when she asked how long he’s been boarding, he said he’s been around six times in his life… Meanwhile, she had been boarding for 12 years!
The period pusher
![Image credit: Vocal Media | ABC](
“I had man tell me that women can just push down on their stomachs to ‘push the period blood out’ to end their periods quicker. Yes, he was serious. He was 24 years old.” – u/ lillypadlola
The movie death
![Image credit: Giphy](
This woman’s husband had the audacity to tell her that when somebody dies in a movie, the actor doesn’t die in real life.
This happened as a result of her confusing an actor with Philipp Seymour Hoffman, who did die in real life.
The big blue E
![Image credit: Giphy | Married At First Sight](
“‘See that big blue E there on the desktop? Do me a favour, give it a double click for me.’ I told him ‘you can just say ‘open the browser.'” – u/ Firebrand777
The birth control
![Image credit: Unsplash | bruce mars](
This woman witnessed a guy argue with his girlfriend that “birth control is his GF’s responsibility cause she is the one who gets pregnant.” She chimed in that the woman only produces one egg per month while the guy produces 250 million sperms per e*********n. She got a round of applause from everyone who heard it.
The pronunciation
![Image credit: Giphy](
“One guy explained to me how to pronounce my own name correctly, which I didn’t know how to pronounce correctly. After that incident, let’s just say, we don’t talk anymore, like we used to do.” – u/ Sera0Sparrow
The C-section
![Image credit: Unsplash | freestocks](
This woman had the unfortunate experience of her brother-in-law telling her husband that she needed to breastfeed and have a vaginal birth instead of a C-section.
He didn’t listen to her explain that her health issues would create complications for breastfeeding and vaginal birth.
The iron deficiency
![Image credit: Giphy](
“I was picking up some iron tablets for my anemia. The bloke I was with (a friend who I was hanging out with) asked why I was anemic and I told him I had heavy periods. He told me that was impossible because women only ever lose a teaspoon of blood on their period.” – u/ youki_hi
The catcall
![Image credit: Unsplash | Ayo Ogunseinde](
No woman likes catcalling. Yet, one man tried to explain to a woman that catcalling isn’t bad and that we women just “want to feel bad about everything.”
He also shot himself in the foot by saying that we should just feel flattered that someone is “valuing us for something.” Ugh!
The firearms
![Image credit: Purple Clover | Paramound](
“A military vet once mansplained to my sister on a flight about the handling of firearms and how men are more capable of being the protector because emotionally women aren’t designed to handle it… When the flight landed, the stewardess thanked my sister (in front of said D bag) as she was the Air Marshal on duty.” – u/ Dry_Bug_6290
The language
![Image credit: Unsplash | Ryan Wallace](
This man was asking for trouble when he tried to mansplain a woman’s own language to her. Bear in mind that he didn’t understand the language more than a few basic phrases. “I may have called him some derogatory things at that point,” she wrote. Go, girl!
The transmission
![Image credit: Giphy](
“After being in the pandemic for almost two years a man mansplained to me how COVID is transmitted. And mansplained it very slowly to make sure I understood what he was saying. I told him I’m aware of how it is transmitted and he said that he was just making sure. This is coming from the same person who believes you can’t contract it twice.” -u/ pattibateman
The bull
![Image credit: Unsplash | Autri Taheri](
Some major bull [expletive] went down when this woman went to an agricultural show with her ex-boyfriend. When they were looking at the bulls, he turned to her and said, “by the way, that’s a bull. It’s a male cow.” She looked at him, didn’t say anything, and walked away. She ended the relationship after this.
The sick remedy
![Image credit: Giphy](
“I tested positive for covid-19 yesterday and I’m feeling kind of under the weather. Guy I’m seeing told me I just have to eat lots of fruits and vegetables and I will beat covid in just a few days.” – u. usingdrugswithmycat
The mansplaining
![Image credit: Giphy | Brooklyn Nine-Nine](
One situation of mansplaining got totally meta when this Redditor told a guy that he was mansplaining to her. He said that he wasn’t and then proceeded to explain how mansplaining works…
The jump rope
![Image credit: Giphy](
“I was mainsplained jump roping. He tried to explain it because he occasionally goes to a boxing gym. I didn’t need help. I know how to jump rope. I was just on a weight loss journey and fat/out of shape. I just fake listened.” – u/ PeachPopcornPringles
The uncle
![Image credit: Unsplash | Towfiqu barbhuiya](
This woman’s uncle paid her to clean his house. But then he got angry because he said that she could do a better job at it. If he knows best, why doesn’t he just clean it?! She ended up quitting in the end so the house is still filthy. Serves him right!
The postal code
![Image credit: Giphy](
“I was asked for my postal code in a store at the check out. Told the guy ‘sorry, I don’t know what it is, I’ve just moved.’ He explained to me what a postal code was.” – u/ bingpotforthewin
The new co-worker
![Image credit: Giphy | The Office](
“A brand new coworker asked me a question at work and then proceeded to mansplain the answer to me after I’d replied. On the plus side, it alerted every other man in his vicinity what a d*******g he was, they could no longer ignore it.” – u/ CatrionaShadowleaf
H/T: Reddit
Last Updated on February 14, 2022 by Sarah Kester