I’m the kind of person who spends all summer looking forward to fall because I genuinely prefer wearing pants to shorts, boots to flip flops and, most importantly, sweaters to tee-shirts.
“Sweater weather” is the only kind of weather I’m interested in, to be honest. That is to say, it’s warm enough so you don’t need a heavy coat, but cold enough that you can comfortably leave the house in a knit, preferably over-sized, pull-over.
Clearly I’m not the only one who has a passion for fall fashion because this senior cat is so obsessed with his sweaters, he’ll literally cry if someone takes one off him. Personally, I’m not that obsessed, but I can certainly see where he’s coming from.
Meet Steve.
According to Bored Panda , this 18-year-old feline has been with his owner since he was about 8 weeks old, and as you can imagine, the pair are quite tight.
“He’s got personality in spades,” they said. “He’s hugely affectionate. He loves to come up when I’m laying down and cuddle into my chest and arms so I can hold him while we nap or while I read. He constantly tries to groom me too, particularly around my forehead and the sides/back of my neck.”
While Steve certainly sounds like a sweetheart, he also has his quirks. Specifically, his keen fashion sense.

It all started about a year ago when his owner was moving from Phoenix to New Jersey. The move would require a plane ride, and they were concerned about what the temperature would be for the cat while traveling inside the plane.
As Stevie’s owner told Bored Panda , “Since he was going to be flying out in early February with my best friend, I picked up the sweater before I left to make sure he’d be warm during the flight and in his carrier until he got to my apartment.”
At first, Stevie wasn’t too pleased with his new sweater, but by the time the plane had landed, “he was happy to wear it.”
His owner presumes that since Stevie is arthritic, perhaps a sweater feels good on his bones. While he doesn’t don one during the warm summer months, as soon as the temperature drops you can bet you’ll spot the handsome kitty sporting a snazzy knitted number.
Of course, once he’s inside one of his sweaters, Stevie doesn’t have much interest in taking it off.
In fact, if anyone takes it off him and doesn’t put it right back on again, this cat will let them know that he is not happy.
“He’s fine with someone taking it off initially (as in he won’t claw or bite) but if it doesn’t go right back on, he’ll cry and complain incessantly for hours,” his owner said. “The moment it goes back on, he’ll quiet down immediately and snuggle up to sleep.”
After a post featuring Stevie recently went viral online, his owner has been totally overwhelmed by the loving response her quirky cat has received.
“I’m thrilled that people have liked seeing him,” they said. “He’s my best boy, so reading all the comments about the people that love him has been amazing.”
The best part? Several people have actually reached out and offered to knit Stevie even more sweaters to add to his growing collection.
If you want to keep up with this sweater-loving senior kitty, make sure you check out his official Instagram page, @the_daily_bood .
h/t: Bored Panda
Last Updated on January 28, 2021 by Caitlyn Clancey