We are all innovators and inventors in our own little ways. However, some people take this title a little more seriously than others!
So, from people who made questionable 4×4 trucks to individuals who did things with duct tape that the rest of us can only imagine, here are 17+ times people found a work-around to their problems.
“DIY 4X4.”

I cannot fathom if this would even work? Although, my gut instinct is telling me no!
“I wanted to make my ant traps extra effective.”

Another person added, “Mine that I set up said, “Die Ant-woord concert inside.” However, I cannot imagine that ever getting any ants to come in!
“Hauls a*s, catches bass.”

I have a fairly good mental image of the sort of person who would ride around in this wonderful creation.
“Eh, duct tape’ll do it.”

I know that it can be hard to see their handiwork, but if you look really close you can see a few spots that have been patched up with duct tape.
“Innovation at its finest.”

It isn’t something I would fancy owning, but whatever floats your boat…or van for that matter!
A Surefire Way To Make Sure That No One Alters That Dial!

I am guessing that someone got too tired of having to tell people to leave that dial alone and decided to take matters into their own hands!
“This variation of the ‘now hiring’ sign at my local sonic.”

The only downside to this option is that you have to deal with the general public I guess.
“Mine went down the drain…”

If you give up on your dreams then your expectations for life will be so low that everything will be a positive!
“Not lost anymore!”

Now I can picture an entire aisle of husbands ambling around like souls lose in purgatory.

“Christ, my iPad smells awful at the moment.”
“Well I did use that plunger as a stand.”
“Yes, but it was a clean plunger right?”
“Dave… Tell me the plunger was clean!”
“Important pregnancy questions answered.”

I think that the penultimate answer was perhaps the one that made me laugh the most!

I have been staring at this for ages now and I just don’t understand any of it. Who wants to eat their lunch on a swaying bench?
“Text means ‘Fire Extinguisher.'”

I guess that this does kind of qualify as a fire extinguisher as sorts. It’s just not the level of security that I would feel happy with!
The Impromptu Shower Fix!

Now your home shower can be just like one of those fancy showers that have in spas! Well…sort of.
“Sign posted outside a fencing academy!”

Now you can get fit and feel like you are staying safe! Well, so long as you ignore the idea of being stabbed by a stranger part.
“My friend’s phone’s touchscreen stopped working so he’s using a mouse.”

This is a great work-around for while he is sat down, but it must be a nightmare if he wants to use his phone while on the move!
“My wife likes to use post it notes around the house. Found this one last night when I got home from work.”

If you can’t do something, get someone else to do it for you. Sure, it’s lazy but it’s better than doing all of that “trying” lark.
“These birdhouses made from old boots.”

If these old boots smell as bad as most old boots then I feel sorry for any bird that inadvertently flies into one of these!
“Let this SINK in for a moment…”

I’m sorry, but the only thing I can focus on here is that this car has a 6 disc CD changer. Christ, those were the days.
“I forgot Chip’s leash so I walked him with a CAT.”

I wonder what kinds of internet speeds they are getting out of their little furry friend with this cable?
Last Updated on June 15, 2021 by Paddy Clarke