We all like to make sure that we get what we want out of life. But, sometimes we can have to settle for the nearest thing to what we wanted.
So, from people who enjoyed the refreshing taste of Poopsi to individuals who had to make do with not wearing racoons as hats, here are 17+ times people “sort of” found what they were looking for!

This must be a hot new up-and-coming fashion brand, and a hot new up-and-coming country by the sounds of it as well!
“Asked Round Table for a joke and they delivered!”

Oh great, now I’ll never be able to go jogging in flip-flops again! I just bought special running flip-flops as well!
“Worst part is this is the after photo correcting a spelling mistake, the bottom you’re originally said ‘your’re.'”

Dear God, what a car crash! They’re not even close to fixing the mistakes in this as well! Just call it a day on this I think, it’s a lost cause.
“This one caught me off-guard!”

Ah yes, nothing like the crisp refreshing tase of Poopsi when you’re feeling parched! Goes down smooth!
“Winner winner chicken dinner!”

Nothing like eating a steak well done to remind you what it feels like to eat a shoe that hates you!
“Asked my friend to spray sunscreen on my back… Not the most even coat!”

One person pointed out, “You look like Eddie Van Halen’s guitar,” and now I cannot see anything else.
Just Do It?

I hope to God that his name is at least “Mike,” otherwise the one potential time this would be acceptable has been missed.
Why On Earth…?

At least it is written nice and straight… Well, it might look kind of straight if you have eighteen tequilas.
“No caramel for my ice cream I guess?”

You can still have caramel, it’ll just be a little crunchy. Also, drowning in caramel is one h**l of a way to go out.”
“Never knew all these social media brands all sold body sprays.”

Nothing like the fresh smell of Yahoo! or a Telegram to make you irresistible to your partner!
“I made coffee while I was still half-asleep.”

This is clearly one of those days when you just need to head back up to bed and turn your phone off.
“Check out my new phone case…”

Mmmm, orginial Pirmlges! I love how the Pirmlges mascot is rocking that mullet as well!
Bed, Bath, And Somewhere Near To Beyond…

“So, what does the ‘more’ entail?”
“Well, we sell beds, baths, and mousetraps.”
“Mousetraps? That’s the only other thing you sell?”
“Yep, you got a problem with that?”
“Nope, just a little specific is all.”
“My cousin’s Samzong phone!”

“Look, if you read it aloud then it sounds fine!”
“That may be Dave, but why would that matter when you can see it’s spelt wrong?!”
“Meanwhile in Nepal…”

So, I’m going to go right ahead and say that no one should be drinking from this tap if they felt the need to put this sign up!
“A local sign for a garage sale.”

At least they’re being honest about it. If anything, this would make me more likely to check it out, I love buying c**p I don’t need.
“If one could only be so lucky…”

“Quite frankly, if you’re not allowed to take your pig in the racoon room and wear the racoon as a hat, I don’t even see why they have a racoon room?!”
“I hate coming to the zoo with you, Dave.”
“For Sale! 2001 Honda Civic, great condition…I hope!”

“Well, the car has been in a special cryo-freezer to keep it in the best possible condition!”
“So…it’s been frozen?”
“I guess you could say that if you’re going to be an a*s about it.”
“Now I know meaning of LV…”

Pfft, could Louis Vuitton split his soul into several parts and talk to snakes? Didn’t think so!
“Where is Uranus? My 9-month-old’s PJs leave no doubt.”

The designers of this clearly didn’t think this through…or they thought it through far too much!
Last Updated on May 10, 2021 by Paddy Clarke