This wonderful world of ours is full of people who like to leave little Easter Eggs for people to find in their day-to-day life.
From hidden messages in newspapers to dimension-crossing pool noodles, please enjoy these 17+ clever tricks that we almost didn’t notice.
“This foam noodle looks like it’s on both sides of the glass.”
I just cannot wrap my brain around what is going on here, any help would be much appreciated.
“It looks like my coworker’s tattoo is petting the kitten.”
Everyone wants to pet a kitten, even demonic tattoos upon your elbow, they’re renowned for it!
“The cracks on my house formed the Van Halen symbol.”
Someone suggested that someone had painted the Van Halen symbol on this wall before this covering paint, which may have caused the paint to not adhere to it and crack along the lines.
“My fourth grader’s math homework. She said, ‘This way I didn’t even need to think about it.'”
That is a remarkable innovative way of thinking for a fourth grader! They have a bright future of being a lazy genius.
“My cat has a cat in his markings.”
Something about the cat within the markings makes me feel like it is giving the camera the same look at the bigger cat, and I can’t figure out why.
“These Tetris tiles on the rotating drum of a truck…”
Right, so they’re clearly a fan of Tetris to have done this, but why wouldn’t they use a single actual Tetris block in the d**n design?!
“One of my university buildings has a teeny door.”
Well, I would absolutely need to know what was behind that little door. Although, it would probably be a fuse box. Why is there no magic in this world!?
“My raincoat reveals a floral pattern when wet.”
Wow, I have never seen this before, and now I absolutely want a coat that has a hidden design when it gets wet. Maybe it could reveal Jeff Goldblum’s face?!
“Smart a*s wine box.”
I do not like to be judged by the alcohol I buy, I like to be judged by the despondent-looking cashier at the shop where I buy it from.
“This Full-Sized Barbie Jeep!”
Okay, so this one might be a little harder to miss than others, but I absolutely love it. This is a look you really have to commit to, and by God, they’ve committed.
“I found a mushroom that looks like a little owl.”
“What if it was actually just an owl that looked like a mushroom, Dave?”
“Well, that would explain why the soup I made tasted a little off.”
“The wash instructions on this shirt includes ‘Don’t slap pandas.'”
I mean, I wouldn’t slap a panda as they’re…well, bears! Although, they’re so c**p at existing that they would probably just let you do it then go and eat some mildly poisonous bamboo. God I hate pandas.
“Found this painted rock in the woods today.”
Who are the people who go around leaving these painted rocks around the place? Who has the time?!
“This sign in Rome has a stick figure sawing the —”
“Sir, can you tell me why you disregarded the ‘No entry’ sign?”
“There was a little man sawing it in half, so I didn’t think it mattered.”
“Sure there was, what kind of…oh, wait, you’re right. Off you go.”
“A secret sloth on this drink bottle.”
Who wouldn’t want to have their thumb cuddled by a sloth?! They’re better than pandas after all, those freeloading wasters!
“Paisley Abbey (Scotland) has an ‘Alien’ gargoyle above it’s archways.”
I now want nothing more to be on the front of my house than one of these xenomorph gargoyles!
“I was the editor of my college newspaper. I hid things in it. My name is Sean.”
I like the restraint that this guy showed here, when I was in college I would have been tempted to put something much more outrageous in there.
“My cat has a cookie shape on his belly!”
At a first glance, I thought that it was a small Guinea Pig sat on a cat. Pretty sweet little treat though nonetheless!
“This game advertises its lack of awards.”
I feel like I should get this tattooed across my body. Pretty much sums up my feelings whenever I bump into someone from school and they ask me how life is going.
“This pole I found…”
If you look at this and can’t hear that unique angry groan that Marge does, then we had very different childhoods.
Last Updated on December 2, 2020 by Paddy Clarke