There are many great mysteries, unanswered questions, and uncertainties in this vast universe, but some of the most complex have to be the innermost workings of the human brain.
Unless you’re a clinical psychologist or a clairvoyant, it’s pretty difficult to understand what makes someone do the things they do. However, just because people may make some questionable choices that leave you scratching your head, doesn’t mean that you can’t have a laugh or two at their expense.
1. Ain’t that the truth.
The sad reality is, if you go full cray every single day, anyone who may try to put you on blast is left with no material. Take your power back, people.
2. Everyone deals with hump day differently.
Some people drink extra coffee. Others call in sick. And designers apparently pull together these toe-splitting, camel-inspired foot-holders, and we’re all supposed to buy into the madness? I DON’T THINK SO!
3. For my 19th birthday, we went to Taco Bell and I puked up processed cheese for three hours.
I hate to be cynical, but high school friendships don’t usually last long, and $4,500 is a lot of money for a teenager to carry around, so this doesn’t seem right.
4. If you’re looking for one of the fastest and easiest ways to p**s everyone off around you in a crowded establishment, this would be it.
Seems like a lot of work to get a poorly made (probably poisoned latte) and some free wifi.
5. Is this even fair?
Is fishing still considered a sport if you’re casting a line into your own tub while also squatting on your own porcelain throne? It’s a fair question.
6. Because frozen meat and stinky bare feet are the best combination.
You don’t need to garnish with blue cheese. Why follow the health code when you can give everyone who shops at your establishment the runs for several hours?
7. Why have a dead mouse on the ground in your laundry room, when you can have their decapitated heads staring directly at your from your fridge?
This is some slasher movie kinda c**p right here.
8. Someone chose the wrong day to wear white and orange stripes on this street.
Technically, any day is the wrong day to wear white and orange stripes, but you get what I’m tryin’ to say.
9. Lounging by the pool is cool, but have you ever tried lounging in the pool?
It’s like sleeping, but in water. If you want to avoid stares and judgment, just try lounging in your bathtub. Same difference.
10. If you can’t blow it out, is it even a candle?
If you can’t blow it out, will your wish ever come true? If you can’t make a wish, what’s the point?
11. This is why you should keep doing your stretches well into adulthood.
And also why you should invest in a vehicle with four wheels. That way, you never have to stretch a day in your life.
12. Keying his car made easy.
Show up to a first date rocking these claws and you better believe that he’ll be on his best behavior. Or he’ll run for his life. Either way, these babies are weapons!
13. Seems like a reasonable solution until you get a tan on the one leg.
You’ll be trying to even out that tan out for months. Good luck with that, fashionista.
14. The fact that this licensed motor vehicle operator has a designated chili holder is both amazing and concerning.
Amazing because obviously chili deserves it’s own holder. And concerning because traffic.
Last Updated on January 16, 2018 by Diply