We all make mistakes from time to time…some people more so than others! Sometimes people’s mistakes can be unintentionally hilarious, and the best thing to do is just to own up to it!
So, with this idea in mind, please enjoy these 16+ times we owned up to our mistakes loud and proud!
“Is roommate shaming a thing?”
I was always terrified of leaving the oven on and burning the house down — not because of all the damage it would do, but because I wouldn’t be able to face the judgmental face of my roommate.
Parenting 101
If anything, this is just going to teach their kid to be more secretive when it comes to buying drugs!
“Chicken shaming is hilarious.”
This evil face is the last thing that the tiny human will see every night before it falls asleep, as this terrifying beast stares through the tiny human’s bedroom window whispering, “Soon!”
“Nothing like the smell of coffee and a good eye-stab in the morning.”
“Dave, do you want a cup of coffee?”
“Yeah sure, let me just pop my goggles on.”
“How — how do you drink coffee?”
The Double Whammy!
The rather terrified prospective parent who posted this wrote, “So after trying unsuccessfully for many months to get pregnant my wife and I decided to get a puppy […] I’ve made a huge mistake.”
“Mistakes were made.”
One ingenious person suggested that you would just have to get a laser pointer and then shine it at all of the chocolate bars and then you would get a load of free, if tattered, candy!
“Parents make mistakes too.”
I don’t know anything about the person at the top right, but judging from the fact that they actually wrote, “Work hard in the present to secure your future” in their yearbook means I hope that they stub their toe today.
Making A Difference In The World!
I never get what people get out of writing meaningless messages of positivity on bathroom walls anyway. When people are pooping, they aren’t thinking about their philosophical outlook on life typically!
“Don’t be afraid to use public bathrooms ever again!”
Although, if you’re shrieking because you can’t help it and not as a diversion technique, you may need more fiber in your diet.
“Driving to school today a guy cut me off, almost causing a terrible accident. I flipped him off for a good 10 seconds, only to return to my car after class to this.”
At least they can admit that they were wrong! Although, I don’t know what the $1 will do to help in this situation?
“In case of fire…”
What they need next to this is a buzzsaw so that they can saw off the railings to get to the extinguisher. I mean, it’s not like fires spread fast or anything anyway.
The Eternal Struggle!
I cannot fathom the amount of times that I have sent emails without the attachment that they are supposed to have in them!
“Bad News About That Custom Mask Of My Own Face That I Ordered…”
Well, that’s a…look! I love how it makes it look like the bottom half of her face has been stung by a hundred bees!
“Honest mistake!”
I wonder how many people in dirty overcoats this restaurant served shrimp dishes to before they realized what was going on.
“Wiener of Shame!”
Judging from his face, it looks like he might have learned his lesson. Also, Wiener Of Shame is what I used to be known as in the trendier areas of London.
Someone Was Unappreciative Of Their Gift!
I mean, if you name your cat “Diva,” you’re just asking for trouble. Cats are big enough divas as is!
“I was going to tell her but I didn’t want to be ‘hold’ responsible for her unhappiness.”
Yeah, I don’t know if it would be worth pointing out the mistake at this point. Just let them be happy with their terrible tattoo!
“My dad was responsible for our neighbourhood sign this week, a series.”
Dear Lord! These could be the worst jokes that I have ever read. That last one about the labrador in particular, I nearly had a stroke trying to read the punch line out loud.
“It was my substitute teacher’s first day on the job, and this is what we walk in class to. Dry erase markers on a promethean board…”
Wow, they really gave it a good go at rubbing off that marker pen! Maybe if they keep going they might be able to make it even worse!
“I appreciate the honesty, barista…”
If anyone else is struggling to translate this hungover barista’s handwriting, it reads, “I’m out of it and couldn’t spell your name. I’m really sorry.”
Last Updated on September 22, 2020 by Paddy Clarke