There are countless people that we encounter in our day-to-day life, and so it is only natural that there will be some people out there who grate on us a little.
So, from people eating hotdogs in the worst way possible to individuals with no respect for personal space, here are 16+ times people’s behaviour got on our last nerve!
“Getting back to my seat after a bathroom break.”

Everyone loves their personal space to be invaded by a stranger on a plane don’t they? Such a great feeling!
“So d**n annoying.”

They were given these artistic skills to be used for good, not to be put to such unbelievably nefarious ends!
“Whoever painted the lines on this football field…”

Well, thank God that teams swap sides at half time! How drunk was the person who drew these lines?
“This bugs me a lot!”

“So, where do you live?”
“I live in the building that looks like a cigarette and gives you a nosebleed, do you know it?”
“How could I not.”
“It just bothers me.”

Now, I have been known to let my laptop get a little grubby from time to time, but this is something else. How do you not just take a minute to wipe that thing down?!
“I love my local brewery but this makes no sense!”

“Dave, do you really think that this is the best idea?”
“Yeah, why not?”
“Dave, seriously, just take five seconds to really think about this…”
Who’s In The Wrong Here?

I bet that the person who left their car here had plenty of warning about what was going on and yet just completely ignored the warnings.
“This ‘box’ of beef jerky.”

Another clearly disgruntled jerky connoisseur wrote in response, “I think selling the absolute minimum amount of jerky to make it seem like a lot at first is a requirement for jerky companies at this point.”
“My brother likes his hot dogs peeled… I’ll just leave this here for you to be the judge.”

No one should ever be subjected to having to watch someone else eat a hotdog like this…no one.
“What in the world?!”

“Do you like being given a headache while trying to read signs? Then come on down and try your upmost to make sense of out new window advert! 100% guaranteed to make you want to vomit!”
“My mom and I went to Berlington for shoes and found out that nobody cares about human decency there.”

Christ, I just don’t know how people can leave this kind of carnage in a store. Those poor employees.
“I live with two grown men. Just tell me why.”

I also love that there is just a random milk whisk in with the cutlery to add insult to injury. I couldn’t live like this, this is worse than people who don’t pair their socks when they’re putting them in their sock drawer…there, I said it.
“My friend’s phone…how?”

If it ain’t broke, then don’t fix it. Although, it’s sure as h**l broke and they need to get it fixed, Jesus!
“People testing spray cans like this.”

I had no idea that this was even a thing that people do? Things like this really just prove that we might be doomed as a society.
“Who the h**l eats a sandwich like that?!”

Look, I don’t want to call out the way people eat sandwiches, but this is a downright abomination.
“I hate everything about this.”

This person should not be allowed near guitars ever again after doing this, or any music instrument at all for that matter!
“Bought a book and they put a sticker here. Can’t peel without tearing the page. It was at least in the acknowledgements but I still like reading that too.”

One person who used to work for a book distribution centre leant their expertise, writing, “Get some ‘goo gone’ and put it on top of the sticker and add some more on the other side of the page. Wait three minutes, the sticker and [its] adhesive will lift from the paper sans any damage.” Which just proves that there are experts in everything on the internet.
“How my family uses a tape-measure…”

If only there was a way for a tape-measure to retract so that people didn’t have to do this sort of thing.
“My grandparents’ DVD player.”

The person who posted this went on to say that they tried to fix it for their grandparents but they protested, writing, “[My grandparents] wouldn’t let me [fix it,] they said it was the only way it would stay there.”
“The ‘s’ is clearly upside down!”

Once I had noticed this I don’t think that I would be able to work here without taking it upon myself to swap it back around.
Last Updated on March 22, 2021 by Paddy Clarke