Sometimes, things can look enough like other objects to genuinely make us confused about what they’re looking at. For instance, I’ll tell you what you’re looking at as you read this in good time, but the answer probably won’t reflect what it looks like.
But in other cases, it’s pretty clear that we’re looking at a house, a car, or a panel on some machinery. Nonetheless, these things do have a knack of looking like faces to us and we can often see those faces expressing a wide range of personalities.
So whether they look exactly like other things or simply evoke them, all of these objects are sure to remind us of something else.
Unfortunately, you will not be able to eat this no matter how much you cook it.

And it’s not because this potato is more rotten than it looks. Instead, the fact is that we aren’t looking at a potato at all.
It’s a rock.
If you try to sniff this rose, you’re only likely to get the faint smell of wax for your trouble.

As you might have guessed, that’s because this isn’t a flower but rather the remnants of a candle.
When the uploader tried to pull it out of the holder, it cracked and this bottom part separated from the wick, which left it looking like a rose.
Fortunately, whoever comes across this doesn’t need to worry about where the owner of this foundling Airpod got off to.

Of course, it’s pretty easy to tell upon close inspection that this small hunk of snow isn’t sleek and smooth enough to be a genuine Airpod.
But it’s close enough that we wouldn’t know that until we bent over.
Clouds are reliably easy to construe as the images of other things, but this one in particular looks more like that other thing than like a cloud.

Maybe the glow from the sun behind it is helping to create this effect but it looks like some kind of giant, powerful eagle.
It’s hard to interpret what we’re looking at here as anything besides a chasm that was somehow ripped into the sidewalk.

And by the way, it’s not as if it’s impossible for sidewalks to get so neglected that they open up into treacherous pits.
However, that’s not what we’re looking at. It’s really just the shadow of a nearby pole.
Sadly, someone hasn’t had a baby wookie over no matter how much we’d like them to be real.

So what are we looking at that seems to resemble Chewbacca’s head when it’s having a nap?
Just your normal, everyday cat, as it turns out.
After looking at this, you might find yourself wondering what kind of bird could lay such a massive egg.

Of course, the fact that I’ve said that has likely hinted that this isn’t what we’re looking at.
And your intuition is right. Instead, this is just a clump of snow that gathered on the bird’s nest.
While it’s easy enough to recognize this as cigarette smoke, that doesn’t mean we can’t spot an eerily appropriate image in it.

After all, the smoke looks a little bit like an X-ray in this picture doesn’t it? And it’s likely something the uploader will see more clearly someday if they can’t kick the habit.
I’ve never thought about it but I don’t imagine that making the airport baggage claim carousels work would be a particularly easy job.

At least, that’s the impression that I get from this unit underneath the baggage claim that seems to have a pretty frazzled look on its face.
Considering how distinct its shape is, it’s pretty uncanny how many things in this world look like the United States.

And given how large the beef industry is here, it’s oddly fitting that a steak should so closely resemble the nation.
It didn’t quite sizzle in the right spot to make a Florida, though.
Despite how it looks, this car’s windshield is in perfectly fine order.

Apparently, it’s just that ice has formed on it in exactly the right pattern to look like the glass is cracking.
It would definitely make me nervous at first, though.
Although it’s not unusual to see playgrounds explicitly incorporate friendly animals into their design, it seemed to happen by accident in this case.

By that, I mean the support columns we see here were likely just built to reinforce the equipment and their resemblance to happy ducks are pure coincidence.
As I’ve mentioned, the most common things you’re likely to see faces in are usually houses and cars.

However, it’s still pretty unusual for those faces to feature actual teeth like the one in this house does.
From the looks of it, that only comes after the right level of dilapidation.
Anyone who’s not feeling it at the start of their day can find a little reinforcement in this coffee machine and not for the usual reason.

Because with that straight face masking an intense look in its eyes, I get the feeling that the coffee machine is trying to keep it together despite all the things it has to worry about right now.
Same, dude.
Thanks to how dimly-lit this photo is, it’s hard to tell exactly what’s making this shadow appear on the window.

But whatever it is, it managed the pure coincidence of making this shadow look just like the Xbox logo.
It’s got the right dimensions and everything.
If we just saw the shadow, we might think that this room contains a giant slice of cake.

However, our disappointment would truly set in if we peeked around the corner and discovered that the shadow was actually cast by a big, hanging bug zapper.
Ugh, you can’t eat that.
While it’s not the best-looking mac and cheese and we probably wouldn’t eat some that we found on the ground, many of us will likely still crave the dish after seeing this.

Fortunately, if someone were to give in and eat this, it turns out that they’d apparently be fine.
Unfortunately, they’d likely also be a little disappointed because it turns out this isn’t macaroni and cheese, but a chanterelle mushroom with a deformity.
When someone came across these icicles, they couldn’t help but notice how much they looked like oddly-shaped chess pieces.

Unfortunately, it’s pretty unclear how the icicles happened to form this way.
So far, the best guess is that this is result of methane bubbles building up from something that decomposed underneath.
As the uploader put it, “We have a chicken that looks like it wants to talk to the manager.”

I suppose that perception isn’t helped by the fact that even the happiest chicken naturally looks like it has a harsh, troubled expression on its face.
As I mentioned before, there are places we can generally expect to see “faces.”

However, a bowl of popcorn isn’t usually one of them and those faces don’t always look this angry and alien.
I take it that someone hasn’t exactly enjoyed the journey from farm to movie night.
Last Updated on January 11, 2021 by Mason Joseph Zimmer