It is important to pay attention to the world around you. This is not only because it can help you appreciate this world of ours more, but it also gives you the opportunity to spot other people’s mistakes and share them online like a good human!
So, with this in mind, please enjoy these 16+ mistakes that are easy to notice if we pay attention.
“My daughter turns 1 next week. She learned to play hide and seek today.”
I mean, I think that they are playing fast and loose with the term “learned” there. I think that they still have a way to go yet!
“When you forget about the $5000 bike on your roof rack as you pull into your garage…”
Now that is how you quickly and effectively ruin your day! Serves this guy right for having a bike on his car though… Pick a mode of transport and stick to it!
“This wine glass my mother gave me to drink out of…”
Pfft, go home, glass, you’re drunk! If even your glasses are drunk, then you need help!
“Screw the USA on Mondays!”
Nobody likes Mondays, not even deities! God probably has a lot to do on Mondays as well, ensuring everyone is miserable all day and all that jazz.
“Well-hidden peepers!”
Well, that isn’t creepy in the slightest! It is also a truly abysmal angle for him to be at.
“Yes… Yes it is.”
In a few years, truckers will look at this and laugh…laugh a cold, binary, sadly automated laugh.
“Nice try Aliens!”
As far as attempts to disguise the fact that you aren’t really humans go, calling your city “Humansville” is pretty d**n poor, guys!
“Is…that a doorbell?”
Now, I didn’t notice it at first, but I think that they might have modified this. You have to look really closely, but if you do, you can just make it out!
“This job advert for working at a Covid testing station wants candidates to have 1 year’s experience of testing for Covid…”
I think that we can safely say that anyone who has one year’s experience of this is either lying or needs looking into.
“Two teams in Turkey played through the snow today. One team wore white…”
I can only manage to find four players in white here, can you do any better?!
Last Updated on January 19, 2021 by Paddy Clarke