Sometimes a good joke can take a lot of work and setup, but when they pay off they are always worth the effort.
So, from people who launched an entire line of beers in response to a bad comment to the accidental artistic masterpiece of this generation, here are 16+ clever jokes that took a lot of work to execute!
Switching Places!

The dad in this picture explained, “[This is our] baby announcement photo. My wife looked so obnoxiously thin 24 hours after delivery that I joked I looked like the one who had just delivered. So we decided to swap for a funny photo.”
“A Meeping Angel!”

This design would really have taken the sting out of perhaps the most terrifying Doctor Who villain of all time.
“You literally have one job. Come on man.”

“Look, if we leave it smashed then it will be kind of funny, right?”
“You just can’t be arsed fixing it can you Mel?”
“Nope, not for a second.”
“Now that the streets are safer to drive on my son is trying to cause accidents in front of my house.”

“Dave, it’s fine, killer snowmen are just in your imagination, they can’t hurt you.”
“You’re right, I don’t know why I let it get so… Oh my God, they’re coming for the children!”
“Hey man, can I borrow your pe—”

Absolutely astounding work from the artist in making this look so real! Although, I wonder if he now ever gets sick of people asking for a pen?
“A customer at the smoke shop I used to work at asked if he could show me his pride and joy, and pulled this out.”

I wonder how long he has been carrying that around for and making this joke? I bet that this has been with him for a staggering amount of time!
“Your dog is so cute, does she shed…?”

Wow, now that is some insane shedding. I don’t know how people keep up with dogs that produce this amount of random fur? I feel like I would be constantly vacuuming.
“For shame LinkedIn, for shame!”

And to betray the trust of a man of the cloth as well! That is really bad and a guaranteed spot in h**l!
“Welcome To Jurassic Park!”

I mean, you had better hope that this has been hacked, otherwise you need to start keeping an eye on any glasses of water you have around.
“Special sanitizer!”

“Dave, are you okay, you look like you’ve been crying.”
“Nope, I’m fine.”
“And why are you walking like that?”
“Evolution of the cat-monitor relationship in one pic.”

I cannot get over the face on the “real” cat — in particular, the facial hair that it looks like it has.
Don’t Be So Nosey!

That required a remarkable amount of tape to do this! I think I’d rather just leave the d**n door open!
“I thought he was holding a selfie stick…”

It took me a long time to not be able to see a selfie stick in this. I can’t wait until the selfie stick completely disappears from the zeitgeist.
“Elmo? are you alright bud?”

“So, it’s like a ‘Tickle me Elmo’ toy, but I’ve pickled him! Get it?”
“Jesus, Dave, do you need some help?”
“I finished your picture Mommy!”

I love the blending of styles here, it is a modern masterpiece! This should be put up in MOMA.
“In my city after a recent snow.”

That is actually a remarkably nice snow hut that they have managed to make here! I think that it might actually be worth the cost!
“A Unicorn!”

And people still think that unicorns are non-existent horses with horns! Pfft, wake up sheeple!
“Only one per state allowed. *Chef’s kiss…*”

One other person shared their own Tacoma story, writing, “We bought a Tacoma last year but it took a really long time to be delivered. Long enough for me to order a ‘it’s taco time’ shirt to wear to sign the paperwork. No one at the dealership even laughed about it.”
“Suddenly a wild surveillance appears…”

I wonder what the collective noun for a group of CCTV cameras is. Is it a flock, or an Orwell maybe?
Last Updated on March 21, 2021 by Paddy Clarke