15+ Pictures That Don't Look Right No Matter How Much Sense They Make

Whenever we see something weird and confusing, the first thing we'll often seek is a logical explanation.

But what happens when that explanation comes and we don't find it any easier to believe what we're seeing? In such moments, we're forced to make quite the deep internal choice.

We either recognize that something has directly and plainly shown that the way we saw the world was wrong or we reject it and essentially pretend that what we saw didn't happen. Either way, it'll still be there and there's not much we can do about that.

This isn't to say that the images I'm about to show you will unlock the secrets of the universe or anything. But they definitely left us in wonder.

Although this is usually the aftermath of someone's attempt to do something dumb, this lighter actually burst into flames on its own.

Although that seems hard to believe, the fact the uploader got it in a four-pack at the Dollar Tree helps to explain what happened a little.

As one commenter explained, cheap lighters can sometimes stay alight even after you turn them off because the gas regulator fails to close all of the way.

Add that to the fact that this one had a fuel leak and you've got a recipe for disaster.

Although this looks like a painting capturing a dark mood, nothing about this was intentional.

As the uploader explained, "I accidentally printed onto the wrong side of photo paper. The ink bleeding made it look like an impressionist watercolour."

So what are we actually looking at here? If all had gone according to plan, it would have been a perfectly normal picture of Captain Kirk from Star Trek.

In San Luis Obispo, California, there is an alleyway in which people are explicitly supposed to stick their gum on the walls.

It's pretty gross and there probably aren't many people out there doing it right now, but I wonder if it cuts down on the number of people sticking gum all over the rest of the city?

It's hard not to think that we're witnessing reality itself glitch out when we look at the view from inside this hockey rink.

However, what we're actually seeing is a panoramic shot taken while the rink's strobe lights and fog machines were going off.

It's outright mundane to see the trails behind airplanes but it's not so often that we see them loop around like this.

While we might be inclined to think this means the pilot forgot something important, the real story here is that they're trying to land.

If a pilot finds out that their initial approach isn't going to work out because another plane's trying to land first, they'll loop back around to give themselves enough space to land comfortably.

I've seen a lot of people carry goldfish around in plastic bags like this but this person's haul has a lot more variety.

Considering how each bag seems to have a different specimen, it seems likely that this biker in Vietnam is transporting them to an aquarium, a pet shop, or some kind of market.

Anyone who lives in an area prone to storms can tell you the winds will whirl all sorts of things around. But they don't usually land this perfectly.

Of course, the "perfection" here just comes from the fact that the tree came to rest on these power lines after being blown by winds going 75 miles per hour.

I'm sure the people nearby who experienced a power outage because of this would use some very different words to describe this situation.

Assuming this is real, it looks like we have a visual representation for just how hot these power supplies can get.

One on hand, it's hard not to feel a little nervous about what will happen if this is left to overheat for too long.

But on the other hand, now somebody's got a freshly-baked cookie. There are some real pros and cons here.

By a similar token, I can't say I expected to see a distraught shoe today.

And I can't help but wonder whether they added the eyes in this strange display or whether someone will eventually see this and realize what they were walking around in all along.

Imagine being haunted by horrified expressions on your feet every time you try to go anywhere.

If you've ever wanted to know what a roasted and salted stick looks like, you're in luck.

No, I don't imagine it's terribly appetizing. But it nonetheless found its way into a bag of sunflower seeds that underwent the same treatment.

It makes it kind of hard to recognize what we're looking at, doesn't it?

This is a Big Mac.

And while I'm sure that some have seen enough of them that they'd recognize one no matter what state it was in, it's still weird how much one weirdly-placed bun insert can make it nearly unrecognizable.

We tend to think of ancient artifacts as being discovered in remote areas after someone passed through treacherous terrain, but it's not impossible for one to rest underneath your back yard.

And that's precisely what the uploader learned when this 2,000-year-old tablet was uncovered beneath the street near their home in Turkey.

Even before you see what whoever did this was trying to achieve, this is a pretty trippy photo.

But once it becomes clear that this camera-headed mannequin is filming itself watch itself, this starts to look like a serious attempt to break the universe.

I know cats can balance on and fit pretty much anywhere, but this one just seems to be making a mockery of physics itself.

It's one thing to be able to stand on a car door but I'm particularly floored by the fact that it managed to get all four paws on it as well.

I'm glad I didn't bet someone it couldn't because I'd probably be out $20 by now.

While this one isn't anywhere near as mind-bending as some of the things we've seen, it's just a sight that doesn't feel right at all.

Somebody seriously took two bites from this hot dog and just put it back on the tray. And yeah, for some reason, that second bite seems like the biggest insult.

It definitely seems like someone forgot they were supposed to put in two bike paths until the last minute.

"Eh, just have them scooch into the one running in the opposite direction. What could possibly go wrong?"

When one driver thought they were stepping on the brake instead of the gas, this is what happened.

While it's a relief to hear that he made it out of this with just some bruises, it also goes to show how easy it is for a car to end up in a position that seems impossible.

Despite how it looks, this picture has not had any kind of filter applied to it.

Nor have all of these leaves happened to change into this uniformly red color as they fell.

Instead, it turns out that the lights in the CVS sign that's just out of frame are more powerful than we might expect.

The uploader described this as "a stick I found that looks like a frog posing like one of your French girls."

And while I can now see how this put that image in their head, I think I was happier back when I just saw a stick.

Dew can form on most anything if the conditions are right, but sometimes the material on which it forms affects the shape.

Like the way the fabric used for this trampoline guided the dew into these rectangular shapes, creating a rather uncommon effect.

Fruit growing into odd shapes isn't too uncommon, but this strawberry is still pretty unique in that sense.

Seeing as there's no square fruit that I can think of, or even one with a straight edge, there's something uncanny about this. It's not supposed to look like that, make it stop!

I'd say this is a case of breaking and entering, but I doubt he wants to be in there either.

The mystery as to how that bull got in there in the first place remains unknown from what I could find, but at least there's someone there trying to contain the situation. I think.

Everybody is different in their own special and beautiful ways, but sometimes that fact manifests into some pretty interesting proportions.

As the uploader described himself, "I'm a tall, thin guy but have got cartoonishly short, wide feet." There's something to be said for being self-aware!

Things wear down and deteriorate over time, we all know that, but the way these letters are falling off and sliding around this bottle makes it look like reality is melting.

I'm sure the fact that said bottle contains soap didn't help the letters' ability to stay on, some journeying rather far from their original print.

When we think of snow we think of soft and fluffy, tossed around and frolicked in.

But with the right amount of chill and a little extra freezing, snow can retain its shape pretty well, seen here with how this person rolled it up perfectly.

Consider this the house version of getting a portrait done.

That's right, this house features a miniature replica of itself that rests on a tree trunk out front. It actually functions as a birdhouse, meaning it's cute and useful.

Covered in far too many dispensers of many kinds, this bathroom feels a little unsetlling.

No need to sit in that unease though, as this is just a showroom bathroom that's meant to display models, which explains why there's one of everything in there.

I truly wish I had the story behind this one, but instead we just get to create our own.

Is it more fun to flex our creativity and come up with some whimsical explanation, or will not knowing what happened here haunt us forever? Only time will tell.

Eating in your car can be difficult. It's so cramped, what's there to do?

Well, looks like this innovator came up with a solution that I really wish they hadn't! I find it upsetting to look at and dread to think of the cleanup.

When the street just seems to consist of one big ice sheet, it looks like a nightmare for anyone trying to get to work in anything but a dog sled.

At least, it would if this were actually a street at all. It's actually a canal that cuts through this subdivision.

I suppose it does mean that nobody around here is going to take their boat out anytime soon, though.

As a follow-up to the guy with cartoonishly wide feet, here's this person and his uneven hands.

"I was born without both my ring finger knuckles," wrote the uploader, explaining why it looks like he's lost multiple fights with walls and steel doors.

Every pet has their favorite toy. My cat, for example, loves her plastic springs.

This dog just happens to love a cinderblock. Yeah, he looks a little goofy holding it, but as long as he's having fun, who are we to judge?

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