
Quotes For Anyone Who Counts 'Sweating The Small Stuff' As A Workout

I've been thinking about the random pet peeves of living in a civilized society lately.

Maybe it's because I've been cooped up at home for most of the year, but I almost...miss them. Almost.

Really, I think I just miss the normalcy of being annoyed at the world for stupid things instead of worldwide health and safety crises.

Remember when the worst part of grocery shopping was the crowds of other people?

[Pinterest | Lilybels

Those awkward moments in tight aisles where a family of six is filling the entire space and arguing over the merits of original Nesquik vs. the sugar-free option?

All you want is a tin of your favorite coffee, which you ran out of yesterday and are really feeling the withdrawal now.

But the Mom wants less sugar in general, and the Dad argues that the kids will just pile even more spoons of sugar in when it's not sweet enough, while all the kids try to look innocent.

Except that one kid who is building a tower of teabags in the aisle while their parent is distracted, and it happens to be right in front of your coffee.

Yeah, I don't miss *that* specifically.

But the normalcy of not avoiding the aisle entirely because three people are already spread out along it?

I miss that.

If nothing else, we can all find comfort in knowing all this *nonsense* will end soon.

And when everything does somewhat return to normal and stores are at limited capacity and there are no one-way aisles anymore, I give myself one trip to the mall before I'm ten thousand percent over it again.

I can't wait.

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