I think I speak for the general population when I say that we, as humans, aren’t psychic. We can try to look for signs and patterns all we want, but most of the time things just happen without us even knowing they’re coming. Unfortunately, some of those things that happen are…bad. Kinda like the things on this list.
“My friend was supposed to take the SAT today.”

According to the comments, in which the uploader provided more detail, the test was canceled the day of meaning no one got a warning as it was so early. That’s just cruel.
“Someone accidentally set off the fire suppression system in a military hanger.”

I personally find this hilarious. That’s a really intense fire suppression system if it nearly covered a whole helicopter.
“Dropped my wedding ring this morning.”

Everyone in the replies were providing advice on replacement or repair, but the fact that it happened at all is the most tragic part. Sentimental value and all, y’know?
“Today I learned, Porsche headlights are extremely lucrative for some people in order to grow weed efficiently and not get busted by the cops.”

I wonder if Porsche dealer employees know this. If they do, I can see why they don’t tell people this fun fact.
“My fiancé ordered lingerie, website said discrete packaging. Still live with my dad.”

What’s worse, your dad knowing those are for your fiance, or him thinking they’re for you ?
“Today I learned my yard turns into a gigantic mud pit when it rains.”

That means in the spring you can treat yourself to lots of mudbaths! Great for the skin, you’ll be glowing in time for summer.
“My son is allergic to almost everything.”

So…what now? Just keep him inside forever where the only thing that might hurt him is dust?
“My car dealer posts their competitors prices, even though the competitors are almost exclusively cheaper.”

“Why Go Anywhere Else!” They write as if there isn’t a whole table full of reasons right below.
“Construction workers have my home office looking exactly like Dexter’s kill room.”
![Image credit: Reddit | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/n077QTDDNW89fQXjeUbg.jpg)
You’re sure those are just construction workers, right? Super sure?
“Mirrors on tissue box make it almost [invisible].”

Someone’s gonna accidentally punch that one day, and by ‘someone’ I mean me. Sorry in advance.
“This icicle on my apartment building is almost 2 stories tall.”

That’s become a falling hazard now. If that thing ever snaps and topples, you better hope you’re not in the way.
“My houseplants exploded while I was at work today. Dog says she didn’t see what happened, but she put a blanket on it just to be safe.”

Well it was very nice of her to cover the debris, just to suppress any potential further explosions that she definitely had no involvement in.
“I work at a grocery store. One of my cashiers tried to roll a watermelon across the scale.”

Are you sure they just rolled it and didn’t drop it from six feet above?
“I live in Norway and am allergic to cold weather.”

I hate the cold, but I think seeing this has assured I’ll never complain about going out in the cold ever again.
“A friend of ours sent my wife and I the only photo they found from their wedding that my wife was in.”

I don’t know which is better, her face or the faces of everyone around her.
“The lid was a bit tight.”

At least the glass came off in a convenient little ring! It still s***s, but it beats shattering.
“Accidentally ordering the wrong size pizza boxes.”

I guess the only solution here is to make bigger pizzas. What a shame. I’ll take two.
“I almost ate a praying mantis that was in my salad.”

I’m not even afraid of bugs and this is still my new worst nightmare. Good thing I never eat salads!
“Don’t leave your kayak out in the sun.”

This…shouldn’t be a problem. Like, no one should have to worry about this. Does the rest of this photo show this car sitting in the fires of h**l or something?
A Lesson In Patience.

This statue figured that the best way to find inner peace was to be inside your car.
Last Updated on September 1, 2020 by Daniel Mitchell-Benoit