There is nothing quite like the feeling of revenge. It is a wonderful thing that everyone should try to enact on those who have wronged them, as Hamlet teaches us… I think that was the point of that play anyway?
Anyway, Shakespeare aside, here are 15+ times that people got payback!
“Baby revenge!”
Sure, he looks all sweet and innocent now, but just wait until he wakes up. Then he’s like every other toddler, doing constantly life-threatening things and pooping.
“My fiancee hates the pet stairs I bought for our dogs, saying they don’t even use them. After weeks of attempted training I sent her a pic…”
How do you attempt to train a dog to use stairs? Surely they’d just use them if they wanted… It’s not like they don’t get the concept of stairs, is it?
“I replaced my friend’s fancy soap with a block of fancy cheese!”
I bet they absolutely stank after using this! Also, did they not wonder why they couldn’t get a Gouda lather going?!
“Woke my baby up to finish eating and this is the response I got…”
I can resonate a lot with this baby. I mean, anyone who wakes me up for any reason can expect a furious response!
New Tactics!
That’s a fairly solid plan of attack. It’s like when octopuses use ink as a defense mechanism…except trumps.
“After years of this guy using my email as a spam account, I got my revenge. He signed my email for SiriusXM which also gives me the ability to beep his horn.”
I didn’t know that this was a thing, and now all I want in life is the ability to control people’s car horns. I’d be like the worst member of the X-Men in the world.
“My brother wrapped my Christmas present in duct tape last year, this year I wrapped my brother’s present in concrete!”
Inside of that concrete was an Amazon voucher worth only £10. Would you wade through concrete for that?
“What kind of parent hating psychopath invented this.”
“So, I’ve got an idea for this new toy. I think your kid’s gonna love it!”
“Oh, nice, what is it?”
“They’re called Yellies and…”
“My friend just returned from a 7 month deployment. This guy had my favorite sign in the crowd of friends and family.”
No matter how much one of your friends achieves in their life, never let them forget about the petty cash that they still owe you! Pettiness is one of the greatest qualities in a human.
“Every year I get my boyfriend a cake for his birthday. This year I asked what type he wanted. He said ‘I don’t care’.”
In the future, hopefully this boyfriend will think a little more carefully about his answers instead of half-assing them!
“I said, ‘How tall are you?’ He handed me this:”
How many times do you have to be asked that question before you think, “You know what, I’m going to go out of my way to get business cards printed to avoid this happening again!” A b****y lot you’d imagine!
“May this man find the funds to fuel his vengeance.”
I cannot tell you how many times I’ve tried to learn kung fu to solve all of my problems. However, kung fu is never the answer.
“I told my students that if almost all of them did an online test they could choose my facial hair.”
In fairness, I think they could have made a much worse decision! I would have been giving him the full handlebar and mutton chops.
“I ordered a burger and told my waiter that for every pickle I receive, I will destroy a city. He returned with this and said ‘My least favorite places’.”
In fairness, getting a pickle on my burger when I asked for no pickles does also send me into a furious rage and make me wish to exact furious vengeance.
“Found out my kid had this on his school classroom wall all year.”
Well, he gets to spend the rest of the time embarrassing his son with terrible dad jokes, so now it is time for a bit of payback!
“I’d like to return this please…”
You can just picture the dog going to town on that bottle and then thinking, “Pah, let’s see you deter chewing now!”
“In fairness, that is what I said.”
The person who posted this went on to say, “The guy who read it out off the screen kinda stared at it for a few seconds before he said ‘Uhhh… James?'”
“How my dad deals with his a*****e neighbor who checks with the city whenever anyone does any work on their property.”
I wonder if people know that they are that annoying neighbor or if they are blissfully ignorant of that fact?
“Teacher said we are allowed to bring single side paper for notes during final.”
Someone pointed out that this is the best kind of loophole as it actually uses a loop!
“Revenge Is Sweet!”
I mean, if you knowingly steal other people’s food in the office, then you have to expect something like this to happen to you, don’t you?
“Please return the black marker.”
Don’t worry, blue marker, you’ll have your day in the sun one day. Just hold on!
“A student made this sign after the angry guy said being gay was the worst sin.”
I absolutely hate hateful preachers. And yes, I am aware of the delicious irony in that sentence.
“Payback: laptop on a cat.”
Just look at the face on that cat. That is one furious-as-h**l-looking cat. Hopefully she will think twice before sitting on your laptop in the future! I doubt it though.
“Someone in my neighborhood was getting angry because people were p*****g in front of his building. He ended up hanging this sign.”
I’m assuming that he lives near a pub, as alcohol has an amazing ability to make people feel free to urinate absolutely anywhere.
“How to win a prank war. Friend snuck a heinous portrait of me into a charity auction that I was at. Sold for $200.”
I think, along with many of the people in the comments, that the real winner of this prank war is the person who managed to snag this amazing piece at such a steal!
“This guy was ready for the angry preacher people on campus today.”
Beer volcano? I’m in. I could take or leave the stripper factory as I don’t really know what that entails though.
“I am a lawyer, my son told me he had to tell me something, but first wanted me to sign this.”
If you’re a lawyer then you kind of have to expect this kind of thing really. It looks like he might be following in his father’s footsteps!
“I got annoyed by students lingering by my class’s side door. This sign has been surprisingly effective.”
Now that looks like the sort of person you would not want to be catching you “making out.” Also, does anyone still use that phrase anymore?
“A girl at the fire station because she got stuck in a Barney head.”
When I was a kid, I had a fear of mascots. This legitimately looks like one of my worst nightmares come to life. And the man on the left is so insensitive! He’s laughing, just no sympathy.
“My co-worker told me I had no holiday spirit so I wrapped him a gift.”
Aw, how sweet! And it’s exactly what he wanted, too: all his office supplies in usable condition!
“Camp requires kids to write a letter home after the first week.”
If they’re going to make letters mandatory, but also not check them before they’re mailed out, that’s on them.
“After a 50+ email chain with all the men at my company, we decided it was only fair to have a shark tank in the bathroom if the women got an orchid. Our office manager listened, and this is what showed up on Monday morning.”
That’s a pretty cool shark tank if I’ve ever seen one. Look at how many species are in there! It’s like an aquarium at work!
“I was out of the office for 2 weeks and found this when I got back. Thank you, co-workers.”
Apparently this is an actual thing that people do with old keyboards called “cressening,” and I can’t tell if I love it or hate it. It’s pretty, but it makes my skin crawl in a weird way.
“Bought a couch from Craigslist, heard noises coming from it. Cut it open and found a cat.”
Little do you know that this was actually an assassin cat sent to kill you, and you fell right into their “craigslist couch sale” trap. Too bad the assassin cat is really bad at his job.
“Noticed this on the back of my face wash today. If only more companies would take the same initiative.”
Forget the threat of being fired as motivation to do well at your job, how about the threat of being a test dummy?
“How I returned my sister’s computer after fixing it.”
I know this picture is old, but this is also good advice today. No matter how far technology advances, people still won’t check what they’re downloading on the internet.
“My daughter smiling only after her first ever school photos came in.”
She really wanted that photo to read “mugshot” because that’s how she feels at school.
“Found after repeated attempts at calling her.”
It’s tough to point fingers or make jokes until I find out how the dog got in there. Did someone else lock her in? Did she get herself stuck? We need details.
“After days of grading papers, I stumble upon this.”
The clever trick aside, what’s happening with that first question? Extended laughter, that very detailed eye drawing… What was going through this student’s head?
“Had to explain to my daughter what ‘counterfeiting’ is after I found this.”
I love that her grand scheme was to buy whatever it was she wanted entirely with $2 bills, the most common and efficient currency.
“My mom slid this under my door after walking in on me watching Buffy and sobbing.”
I can hear the tone this is written in: “Sorry that character died… Now can you come do the dishes, please?”
“Said she was ‘up for anything’. I wanted Italian. She wasn’t up for Italian. After 20 minutes of bickering, she won. We got Chinese. This is the fortune I got.”
I’m mostly appalled by the fact that she “wasn’t up” for Italian. Who isn’t up for Italian at any point? I’m constantly ready to kill a man for some pasta.
Playing With Fire!
I don’t know a single person who wouldn’t want to exact some form of revenge on a traffic warden. They are the worst after all!
“So I swapped all the photos at Tjmaxx, then they took them all down and mailed them back to me with my last pay stub.”
It was almost the perfect crime too…if it weren’t for the 100 pieces of damning evidence.
“‘A sense of purpose,’ I dismissively said, when my sisters asked me what I wanted for Christmas.”
This is what you get for being a sarcastic a****t I guess! And, as a man who is a professional sarcastic a****t, I can sympathize with your position.
Last Updated on May 27, 2020 by Paddy Clarke