The world is filled with beautiful things. The world is also filled with mysterious things, strange things, and all types of things in between.
No matter the classification of thing, sometimes these discoveries can take us by surprise, something we never expected the world to have in store for us. Like the items on this list!
“Large ice crystals in Switzerland.”

I think if all snowflakes were like this, I’d like winter more. Alternatively, if this acts more like hail, I’d hate hail more if it were like this.
“This random doorway to nowhere.”

Uh, you think it’s to nowhere but have you ever actually gone through it?
“A mammoth tusk just found in the Arctic.”

My brain would tell me to bring it to a museum so they could keep it or hand it off for research purposes, but my heart would tell me to keep that sucker for myself.
“I had a purple ink stain on my shirt. After trying to wash it out it seperated into a red and a blue stain.”

“Thought you could get rid of me, huh? Well, instead of one stain, you have two now. Take that!”
“[This] massive fry.”

How does this happen? Surely this wasn’t cut from one gigantic potato, right?
“Cave in Thailand looks like a giant petrified snake.”

Are we sure it only looks like one and isn’t one for real? We should get to excavating, see if there are bones in there.
“Found an expiration date stamped on the mustard itself.”

Nothing like mustard with the slight taste of ink, really gives it a kick.
“My playing cards have an expiration date on them.”

Well, yeah, after that they go stale. Better to eat them when they’re fresh, anyway.
“These bendy trees I saw on my walk this afternoon.”

This is already making me feel woozy, I can’t imagine walking through this place while not sober.
“A large burl growing on a bur oak, my 60lb pup for scale.”

Burls in trees are actually a stress reaction to injury or infestation. Funnily enough, this is also how my brain feels while I’m stressed out.
“The shadow made by this spider in my pool.”

Y’know what they say, surface tension adds ten pounds.
“A jar of mayonnaise sealed without the mayo.”

Factory misproductions happen all the time, I’m more surprised that it was actually stocked on a shelf like someone would buy it.
“Bamboo that grew up […] without the effect of tourists’ touch.”

I had no idea so many people had the desire to carve into bamboo. It’s nice to see how some areas really look without the interference of humans.
“These cowboy boot ice skates found at an antique store.”

My boot skatin’ baby is drivin’ me crazy, my obsession from a western, my ice rink date.
“A rainbow pigeon seen in London.”

Would this count as fashion, like clothing, or hair dye? Either way, she looks stunning!
“This creepy-looking foot is a fungus called xyleria polymorpha. Commonly known as ‘dead man’s fingers.'”

Looks more like dead man’s toes but I won’t be a stickler here, I hate it either way.
“Took a pic of my wife drinking from a coconut through a straw, but portrait mode made it look like she’s breathing life back into the coconut.”

Breathing life back in, or sucking life out? I’d be a little wary of your wife, first it’s coconuts, then it’s you.
“This rock that looks like a severed head.”

I can imagine the process of checking to make sure it wasn’t a severed head was pretty scary.
“This tree that is half green and half red.”

Split-dye hair seems to be pretty popular among the youth these days, maybe this tree’s just giving it a shot.
“This cedar wood I was cutting is purple inside.”

If it stays purple, that would make for some gorgeous furniture.
Last Updated on February 7, 2025 by Zeal Kinkhabwala