If I enjoy anything in this life, it’s looking at random pictures that make me want to put my fists on my hips, c**k my head to the side a little and say, “Well, how about that?” Sometimes, if I’m feeling particularly saucy, I’ll then follow it up with a “how bow dah?” and then chuckle to myself.
1. Some people try to use their yearbook quote as a way of encapsulating all their experience from the past four years and sharing some words of inspiration about the future.

This guy is not one of those people. Not that I’m complaining.
2. When your baby turtle delivery order finally arrives.

I don’t want to be the kind of person who calls photoshop on every interesting picture he sees, but I’m having a hard time believing that this is actually real. How would those wee baby turtles even get up there?
3. This goes to show you that you should always choose your profession based on the last few letters of your own name.

For instance, my name’s Dylan, which means that I should be a landscaper or possibly Lando Calrissian. Probably the latter.
4. You walk into a salon, drop $150, and this is what you leave with. What would you do?

I asked this question in the group chat at work, and none of the guys knew what was wrong. The women said they would cry and then burn the place down.
5. This went from bad to worse to somehow even worse.
Not a single person got out of this unscathed, but I definitely feel the worst for the poor gas attendant who just ate a face full of parking lot.
6. That feeling when you spend tens of thousands of dollars to go to school, and this is all they offer you come bathroom time.

I’m not saying that I need to be in the lap of luxury, but I do need my lap and its surrounding areas to have some luxury, you know what I’m saying?
7. Well, I just love this.

If there’s anything I love more than just a good, old-fashioned costume, it’s a pun-based costume. Like that one woman who dressed up like the main character from Beauty & The Beast , but covered in Mexican food, and she was Taco Belle. Brilliant.
8. If you’re going to just miss getting a picture of the frog in your hand, this is probably the best way it could turn out.

Except for the part where now I’m feeling like the frog just got Thanos’d.
9. Well, this is just about the most wholesome thing I’ve ever seen.
Why would someone even have a corral this small? Did someone custom-build this for them? Because that’s pretty amazing.
10. I’ve never really thought to dabble in artisanal peanut butters before, but this Justin guy has me feeling like I need to expand my mind a little.

Particularly so he can keep all the future generations of Justins fed and happy.
11. There’s actually a very good reason for this, but I want to see if you can guess it first.

Apparently, this was someone’s solution to make sure that their china all survived when they had to evacuate their house during a wildfire in California. Honestly, kind of brilliant, but still weird to look at.
12. Wait, what?

I’m guessing that this is one of those lenticular things, and that it looks different depending on which angle you’re looking at it. You know, like the cover of the Lost World VHS box ? No? Just me?
13. It’s not delivery, it’s carry-on.

Haters will say it’s photoshopped, and they’re right, but I’m really hoping this catches on one day. Finally, no comedians will be able to complain about airline food anymore.
14. Yep, I wood axe-ually have this at my place.

If nothing else, then for all the puns you could make. Stick to it, I’m sure you’ll pull one out of your trunk .
15. When there’s a glitch in the matrix and the cartoon dimension starts bleeding into our own.

Which I really wish would happen for real one day, but I’ll settle for pizza ovens on planes.
16. If you look closely in the middle there, the diamonds actually create the number 8 in the white space.

I’m still not sure if that’s intentional or not, ’cause they can’t really do it with other numbers.
17. Don’t even read the Ginsberg poem around here!

I know, I know, everyone on the internet loves my 20th century poetry references. I’m just givin’ the people what they want!
18. A hands-free elevator system! Honestly, one of the best ideas I’ve seen in a long time.

Anyone who’s struggled with a ton of groceries in an elevator will appreciate this.
19. If this ice cream looks as much like a gorilla to you as it does to me, I’m thinking we go ahead and name him Donkey Cone.

Always thought it was weird to call an ape “Donkey,” but here we are.
20. This place puts little rubber ducks in the puddles as a way to warn customers and help them avoid getting their shoes too wet.

And if you don’t think that’s adorable, then you probably have no soul.
21. That’s certainly one way to do that.
I feel like the next time I go to close a car trunk, I’m going to end up trying this and either hurt myself or end up arrested for indecent exposure.
22. I’ve heard of burying a hatchet, but never a shovel.

Now, I’ve never worked construction or any kind of real job, but the idea of failing to notice a whole shovel seems really shocking to me.
23. I guess you could say that this is a bit much.

According to the person on Reddit who posted it, they made a decimal mistake on a work order and didn’t actually get the 6.5mm bit they were looking for. I dunno if I believe it, but it’s still an absolute unit.
24. When you look this much like Mr. Bean, you can try to fight it, or you can just lean into it.

It’s like I always say, you’ve got to lean into the bean.
Last Updated on August 14, 2018 by Diply