Parenting is a hard job . It’s the one job you don’t really get a break from unless you’re asleep (and the kids are too). Sometimes, being a parent is a beautiful thing . But, other times, it’s a headache and a half.
Our kids love to make us nuts, create a mess, jump off the sofa, and scream whenever we need 5 minutes of silence . So, to all those parents out there, have a good laugh at these.
Our least favorite question.
Eventually, we have to stop wiping our kid’s behinds. We teach them the proper way to do it, but it turns out that they need a good two or three “lookovers” until they are sure that they have wiped well enough. But, we hate looking up in there . Every single time.
Just go to sleep!
Why is it that when we need them to sleep the most, they don’t want to even get a little shut-eye? For some reason, when they know they need to go down for a nap , they want to run around the house, screaming, banging, and making a hot mess.
Life of a parent.
Our kids would lose their heads if they were not attached to their bodies. It’s no surprise that when we find something that they’ve lost, they will lose it just as quickly the second time as they did the first time.
This is a never-ending game.
When our kids are sick, they always need a lot of love and support. They have to be right on top of us, no matter what they are sick with . We know we love to comfort our kids, but we also know that it means we will be getting sick ASAP.
Shush up your mouth!
The one time we need to have our kids be a bit quiet because we are on a very important call—they scream, they shout, they let it all out. But, most annoyingly, they can’t stop needing me for every single thing.
I’ll just drown in this misery.
Sure, you can go out for a night with the guys to watch the game and have a few beers, but you will not be leaving me at home with the kids. I am drowning in this and I am not doing it alone.
Who is this?
When our kids get us cards for Mother’s Day or our birthday, it’s so funny how the cards read. Patient? Kind? Understanding? That doesn’t sound like me on a good day. Sounds like it’s the wrong mom.
Can’t even lie.
Look, I love my kids. I’ll be the first and last to admit how much I love them. But, I can’t lie that when I say I love them, I think about all the ways I could love them even more. And, that’s if they listened way better than they do now.
That’s my boy.
When our kids say stupid things and make fun of people in public, no matter how inappropriate, I will always laugh if it’s funny. Sure, I’ll say “be nice,” but deep down, I am laughing inside.
Loud noises everywhere.
Why do our kids think that inside voices are really just loud, screaming noises from every single room in our home? It’s so annoying to hear that all day long, every day of our lives, until they get to be a teenager and they stop talking to us completely.
Us moms know how to bond.
Bonding with other moms is really easy to do. We love to talk about the gross, weird, strange things our kids do and we can bring it all upfront and place it on the table. But, we don’t even need to know what their name is in order to tell them.
We just want to have a good time!
Our husbands always love to make fun of us that we want to plan 100 things with our baby, and if they think that our kid won’t remember—it doesn’t matter. I will remember and I’ll have the picture and videos to prove it.
BRB, have to go delete 100 selfies.
As much as our kids think they know how to use technology, they don’t. My camera storage is always out because my kids love to take extra photos of themselves 500 times over. I don’t need to see up your nose!
Dad fashion is atrocious.
Dads love to judge us for how we dress as moms and act like they don’t dress like total washed-up golfers all the time. It’s like they become dads and they are completely boring and basic.
Scream it out.
Being sad is easy, but being angry is definitely a better feeling. to have. Why would you cry when you could scream and maybe break a few things? Parenting is all about balance and finding the right emotions.
Last Updated on May 29, 2022 by Lex Gabrielle