Some people do us wrong in life and we just cannot forgive them easily. Whether they have lied to us, cheated us, or done us wrong in other ways, there are some acts that cannot be forgiven so easily or simply.
Sometimes, people do us wrong in a way that the only chance we have to feel better is to get petty, savage , and utter revenge on them in order for them to feel slightly worse than we do at that moment. And, sometimes, revenge stories can be oh-so-sweet.
School shame.

JohnnyLugnuts shared that their roommate had trashed their apartment in college and, he was pretty p****d. So, as an act of “petty revenge”, they convinced the entire school that he had written a “heartfelt letter” to the school president begging for his “hero,” Scott Sapp (lead singer of Creed) to be their graduation speaker. Clearly, that’s embarrassing for him.
Serves him right.

Taln_Noro said in the first grade, he was on the playground and took his shoe off because there was a rock in it. A big bully kid came over, took his shoe, and threw it down the hill into a big grassy field. In a sudden act of revenge, the “shoeless” OP pushed the kid down the hill and said “go find it.” He cried to the teacher, sobbing that OP pushed him down the hill. Turns out, the teacher sided with the Reddit user and made the bully look for his shoe for over an hour!
Slap yourself, kid.

I_Am_The_Slime said on the school bus, he was constantly picked on by this one kid who was about a year or two older than him. One day, he sits next to the Reddit user on the bus and says, “hey, did you know if your hand is bigger than your face, you have Cancer?” The whole point was to have the kid put his hand up to his face, and then the bully would “push it” so he slapped himself.
When the Reddit user refused, the bully put his own hand up to his own face to show him what to do, when quickly the Reddit user turned his own prank on him. Slapped himself RIGHT in the face!
Pop rocks…in…her…eyes.

Ass_Cheeze_Yes_Plz said that her sister was very abusive to her growing up. On the way home from buying candy, her sister was bothering her to no end, so she threw an open bag of pop rocks in her face. The pop rocks got into her eyes, and the moisture and water in her eyes made them “pop” in her face.
When they got home, she tried to wash her eyes out with the hose—which made it 10x worse. Pop rocks straight up going off in her eyes.
Lice are savage.

thatsbesidethepoint shared that in the 8th grade, the “class [expletive]” spread a rumor that she and her best friend were both “lesbians” and in love, and that she had gotten lice from her best friend’s “p***s.”
Ironically, the kids she babysat for actually had lice. So, in a petty act of revenge, she “grabbed” some lice in plastic bags and brought it with her to school. She and her best friend decided it was time to get revenge on the girl spreading rumors. They basically gave her lice—that lasted for four weeks .
Girls throw back.

“My little sister and I used to hang out with a bunch of rowdy kids when we were 7 and 9. An 11-yr old boy decided to throw a rock at my sister from across a major street and missed. She calmly picked up the rock and tossed it back and it glanced off his head. My dad proceeded to try to give my sister a talking to about throwing rocks, but he was beaming with pride,” shared becausetheolympics .
That’s one way to get revenge on…everyone.

Niresque confessed that he was super hurt when his ex-girlfriend cheated on him with another guy. Like many people who get burned in love, he wanted immediate revenge on everyone involved. So, he decided the best way to do so would be to hurt the guy and his ex. So, he slept with the guy’s girlfriend to get revenge on everyone. Savage.
Took care of the bad guy.

spadamaz said that they used to be a bouncer at a club in college. There was a slew of girls reporting that they were getting roofied at the club for a variety of reasons, but it seemed to be happening more often. One night while working, the Reddit user finally saw the guy doing it—putting the powder in girl’s drinks.
He befriended the guy, told him he had “party favors” out in his car, and led him out to the back ally. He ended up slamming his head into a wall and throwing out all of his “powder.”
Getting back on your ex-friends is satisfying.

Worth17 said in high school, her best friend went down on her boyfriend of two years and it devastated her. The two stopped being friends and it really ruined a lot for them. Then, her ex-BFF began dating this super hot guy at school. So, she befriended him. Then, he confessed his love for the Reddit user.
She got to get her sweet revenge by watching her ex-BFF cry over her now ex-hot boyfriend, who left her for the Reddit user.
He took it all.

infectiousloser said that his then-wife was cheating on him and she basically threw him and their children out of the house. They ended up having to move 6 hours away. He drove back to get the kid’s stuff and his stuff to move into their new place, and caught his wife and her boyfriend, well, doing it.
He took everything. Down to the broom and vacuum. And he totally trashed the place, too.
Kids are savages.

“My parents told me when I was 4 years old, my older sister had thrown my new toy truck over the fence intentionally. My dad said he then watched me go into the fridge, grab my sister’s cup of juice and mix it with ketchup, mayonnaise, salt, some banana that I had chewed up already, and a whole lot of spit.
After that, my dad told me I walked into her room and handed her the cup and said (with the lisp I once had) ‘I forgive you sissy,” shared jaffshmeh .
Sometimes, revenge is easier said than done.

radj06 said that a friend of hers saw a few kids egging her car. One of the boy’s mom was a pretty well-known member of the town, being on the school board and one of the only doctors in town.
At first, they thought about getting revenge on the kid, slashing his tires, but knew his parents would pay for it. So, they decided to just tell his mom instead. She screamed at him, in front of everyone, gave the girl $100 for her car, and also made him wash the car in front of them, too.

Jmcothran said that when he was 15, he caught his step-brother using the razor that he uses on his face to shave his b***s. So, he decided to take his toothbrush and scrub the toilet with it. All of that nasty germs all up in his mouth.
He also put blue food coloring in his mouth wash to make sure it stayed blue. Yikes.
Enjoy your new lawn decorations!

“Lived in a rented house for 7 years next to a psychotic lawn worshiping lady. Hated us for renting, hated us for not having as much money as her. Made our lives h**l. The night before we moved, loaded Uhaul waiting patiently at the curb…
I emptied 100$ worth of round up in nice p***s-shaped patterns on her perfectly groomed lawn,” shared cyb3rat .
Last Updated on February 4, 2022 by Lex Gabrielle