Playing with makeup as a kid was the most fun I can ever remember having. Little did I know, apparently makeup is not a toy, and it also costs a boatload of money.
Unfortunately, these kids felt the same way as me, to their parents’ dismay.
1. “Look, mom! Makeup hands!”

It’s one thing when it gets all over the kid, but it’s another when it gets everywhere.
And that’s $100 to replace the makeup, and another hundred to clean the carpets, and a couple more to replace the bed sheets, and look at that! We’re broke.
2. There is nowhere “safe” to keep your makeup bag. A child will always find it.

They’re like a basset hound when it comes to things they shouldn’t get their hands on.
If it’s something you don’t want them to touch, they’re going to touch it.
3. Lesson number one: Lipstick is for your lips, not your face.

It’s also only for mommy.
Unless you’re trying to be edgy, then by all means, throw it on anywhere. Make it work.
4. Well, it’s good to know that eye makeup can be used for other purposes. Like covering your legs for no apparent reason.

Literally not a single drop made it onto her eyes, and this, my friends, is what we call a “rebel.”
5. So apparently, there is such thing as too much blue eyeshadow.

At least she’s learning this lesson now, and not when she’s in high school, which is when this became apparent to me.
6. Lipstick is hard enough to get off, but when it’s long-lasting? Good luck!

I’m sorry, but your child is going to be left with a permanent smudge for a while.
7. That look of terror when you realize that your contour isn’t blended, and that you’ve ruined mommy’s favorite lipstick.

I think this little one definitely found her calling as a MUA.
8. “What?”

One of my favorite things is when kids deny that they did anything wrong, and the evidence is literally written all over their face.
“I didn’t do it! I sway -uh!”
9. You turn around for five seconds.

And in that time your little one has destroyed mom’s makeup, so dad better get himself to Sephora, otherwise he can try to come up with an excuse as to how this happened when he was in charge.
10. Well, the bright side is that now mom has a more colorful palette than she could have ever imagined.

Like dark brown, and another dark brown, and oh yeah! Another dark brown.
11. If that’s the way mommy is putting on makeup, she’s doing it wrong.

We’re going to need to take mama bear to the nearest makeup counter for a little 101.
12. Damaging $200 worth of makeup in under five minutes should be considered a skill.

Instead, it’s pretty much the worst thing imaginable for any mom with a toddler and a makeup bag.
13. Oh, the horror!

Walking into this crime scene would have been the shock heard ’round the world.
No one can prepare you for this type of murder, and I’m pretty sure that many tears were shed.
14. It’s all fun and games until one kid ruins over $1,000 worth of makeup.

This is maybe a good argument as to why kids shouldn’t be allowed in Sephora.
What looks like colorful paints…are definitely not colorful paints.
15. I am screaming.

I, too, would probably try to take a bite of something that smelled like chocolate.
You can’t tempt me with that intoxicating smell and expect me to contain myself!
And so, makeup will now be kept in a locked safe from here on out.

Did these pics scare you out of ever having children?
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Last Updated on March 7, 2018 by Diply