Amirite, ladies?
But seriously, we all know that dating s***s. And one of the worst things about it is realizing, months or years into a relationship, that you’ve been ignoring some pretty glaring flags all the way along.
If it’s any consolation, you’re not the only one, as evidenced by the reponses to a tweet from comedian Laurie Kilmartin .
1. In the tweet, Kilmartin revealed her own horror story.

I’m not sure which way this guy’s May-December romances went, but I’ve got a pretty bad feeling about it.
Unfortunately, most of the responses to the original tweet weren’t much more comfortable.
2. Yeah, some of these red flags are big, red, and angry. And yet they never seem that way at first.

I’ve also gotta say that the baby momma might have taken a gentler approach to the whole situation. Clearly, the dude is the problem here.
3. It’s kind of funny how sometimes people will warn you, pretty explicitly, but you won’t actually hear it until it’s too late.

Fellow Twitter user @Merrillmarkoe pointed out that “They tell you and then 9 times out of 10, YOU think ‘Of course.I get it. But he doesn’t mean ME.’ But, my fellow citizens, yes, yes, yes he means YOU. When a man confesses to you the way in which he is going to be impossible, BELIEVE HIM. That is all.”
4. If you start getting asked for favors and lifelong promises this early, it’s probably time to get out.

I cannot wait for the moment when the person who said this to her gets a love handle or something and gets flamed for it in all their Facebook comments for the rest of their life.
5. This all seemed kind of cute until the punchline.

It’s totally possible that she was joking, but even then, that’s a joke that definitely sends the wrong message, and is going to be very tricky to come back from.
6. When you know, you know, y’know?

It’s always nerve-racking when you feel something but you don’t know if it’s the right time to say it. But yeah, let me draw the line in the sand that two weeks is too soon .
7. Honestly, it’s good that he let her know where he stands on certain…social matters before she got in too deep.

At least, I hope that she was able to dodge this bullet pretty quickly.
8. I’m no expert, but I think that if you open conversations talking about how well you did in sociopathy tests, then you probably should take another one.

Seriously, if this is the best thing you’ve got to say about yourself, then you’ve got some serious soul-searching to do.
9. Some lessons take a very long time to learn.

I’m not saying that 35-year-old unemployed people don’t deserve love, too. But it’s also important to recognize that it’s not your job to answer everybody’s cry for help.
10. Some of the answers spoke to a more sinister red flag.

Not to derail the fun of this thread too much, but I do think it’s important to take a minute to tell yourself it’s okay to trust your gut when something doesn’t feel right.
11. I’ve seen people get snooty about some pretty petty things before, but this seems…like a lot.

Even if it’s true (I wouldn’t know, I don’t own cloth napkins), this really isn’t the time or the place to have this conversation.
12. There’s protocol to be followed when swapping pictures, and this sure isn’t it.

This is one of those times when saying almost anything would be better than saying absolutely nothing.
13. There’s petty and then there’s PETTY.

Jen went on to elaborate that this person just really didn’t believe in the concept of “I’ll get you back later.” Thrift and attention to detail are certainly good traits to have, but being r**e sure isn’t.
14. Hey, how about we all stop pretending to be okay with something and then change our minds later?

My reaction to this is basically the “What do you want?!” scene from The Notebook playing on repeat in my head.
15. Honesty is, by and large, the best policy.

In this case, I think that the person really did to the right thing. You don’t want to waste somebody’s time by telling them a dealbreaker much later on.
At least this way everyone gets to make an informed decision.
16. It’s people like this who ruin friendships for the rest of us.

I don’t even know the rest of this story, but I would be shocked if this wasn’t his straight-up wife. This tweet reeks of a second family.
Last Updated on November 5, 2018 by Dylan Clark-Moore