This world is full of doppelgängers, and fortunately not all of them are the scary kind as various horror movies would have you believe!
So, from babies that look uncannily like Ian McKellen to various people who unexpectedly found themselves in classical works of art, here are 14+ times the resemblance was uncanny!
“Art museum doppelganger.”
![Image credit: Reddit | emoposer](
I would see if they did a print of this painting, then scan it and shrink it down to use as your next passport photo.
“See it. Feel it. Become it.”
![Image credit: Reddit | Phantom_Katana](
This is one of the most prominent examples of life imitating art that I have ever seen! It’s quite eerie…
“In The Flesh!”
![Image credit: Reddit | Z3F](
Good God these two are a dead ringer for one another! I think Disney have found their casting choice for the live-action remake.
“Friends baby looks like Wallace Shawn… Inconceivable!”
![Image credit: Reddit | Technikc](
Looking at Wallace Shawn I would never think that a baby could accurately resemble him, and yet here we are!
“Einstein’s doppelganger found in a random supermarket, Egypt.”
![Image credit: Reddit | SaifTaherIsGr8Again](
I wonder how many times this poor guy must get asked to stick his tongue out for photographs?
“My brain MRI looks like the Grinch.”
![Image credit: Reddit | indiaisthebestalways](
“No matter how different a brain may appear, they will always be welcomed with holiday cheer!”
“So my friend’s baby looks like Gandalf the White…”
![Image credit: Reddit | [Deleted]](
Well now I can’t help but hear all of Ian McKellen’s various lines from the Lord Of The Rings movies echoing around my head.
“At 40, just got my first pair of prescription glasses, and was told I look like Walter White. I don’t see it…”
![Image credit: Reddit | unholyfire](
Mate, if you cannot see the resemblance here then you need to take those glasses back and get some stronger ones!
“My husband Ken found a mini plastic version of himself at HomeGoods.”
![Image credit: Reddit | mizzroberts](
This bodes well for real Ken though as this little Ken is the “Fashionista” model, so big Ken is clearly also a Fashionista!
“This horse statue near my town looks like Jar Jar Binks sneezing!”
![Image credit: Reddit | HotelIndiaFoxtrot](
I would much prefer it if my hometown erected statues of weirdly specific sci-fi characters instead of historical figures.
“My friend found a game about himself in a shop in the Netherlands…”
![Image credit: Reddit | Akihabarakatta](
I mean, you would have to buy a game if you found that you were in the front cover artwork!
“These rocks that look like Cookie Monster!”
![Image credit: Reddit | OyeSimpson](
Or maybe the Cookie Monster was based on these rocks? We need to figure out which came first!
Strangers On A Plane!
![Image credit: Reddit | [Deleted]](
They look like they were separated at birth only to be reunited on a random flight… Holy h**l, if this isn’t a screenplay idea already I’ll eat my various hats!
“I work in a kitchen. You have no idea how many people say ‘You look like the guy from ratatouille’. Every d**n minute.”
![Image credit: Reddit | zombi3123](
This guy surely had to see this comparison coming as soon as he put on that hat though…right?
“My godson think he’s the Royal Prince.”
![Image credit: Reddit | [Deleted]](
That kid has mastered posing for photos at a remarkably young age! Christ, I wish I could be this carefree and cool when having a photo taken!
“I let my cousin cut my hair during the quarentine… Turns out I’m a Beltcher.”
![Image credit: Reddit | ominousyew](
Well there are far worse things for you to be! I always felt a spiritual connection with Tina as well of all of the Beltchers!
“Well, I guess I know what I’m going to look like when I’m old.”
![Image credit: Reddit | randokomando](
And now we all have to wait fifty or so years for this guy to update us on whether the prophesy has come true!
“This woman’s Christmas dress makes her look like a Starfleet Commander.”
![Image credit: Reddit | Lil_SpazJoekp](
I reckon that she knows exactly what she is doing right here! I also reckon that she is pretty miffed with whatever is in those d**n boxes judging from that expression!
“I’ve recently been informed that I look like Weird Al Yankovic.”
![Image credit: Reddit | wessiewench](
I guess that I can kind of see it, but I feel that there is another celebrity lookalike that this person looks like which I cannot quite put my finger on!
“The piece of paper that is frozen to the back of my fridge looks like a wiener dog.”
![Image credit: Reddit | nighteeeeey](
Well, you can’t remove this adorable little fella now, he’s a part of the family now. Remember, a paper fridge dog is for life, not just for the fridge.
Last Updated on March 31, 2021 by Paddy Clarke