It is remarkable how many people there are out there who manage to get themselves into strange and baffling situations.
With this in mind, from people building the most dangerous doorways on the planet to individuals who dropped the ball on the simplest task, here are 14+ times people couldn’t tell their right foot from their left!
“British Problems.”
When you see it up close, the Suez Canal disaster actually doesn’t seem too bad, does it? The pictures on the news make it seem much worse!
“Meanwhile in Jersey:”
Maybe they are just trying to keep people on their toes…or get them hit by cars, either is likely!
Excellent Sign Replacement Work!
Why bother taking the old sign that someone ran into away when you can just cover it up from one very specific angle?!
“Great paint job, especially that last ‘step.'”
I cannot imagine how many people this fake last step has been the bane of. The person who posted this also went on to add, “Yes, I tripped.”
“Of course I measured where to drill the hole!”
“Look, I just thought that it would look nicer if I drew a nice little cloud in the wall, you’ve just got no imagination!”
Great Paintwork!
Well, he’s already painted over the metal 128 once, so he probably doesn’t want to have to do it again…correctly.
This Sink Is Infuriating…
I don’t think that I could live with this, it would be like living with a constant headache. What animal installed this?
“You S**k Joe!”
I don’t know what Joe did but it would seem like he was a bit of a b****y nightmare. Amazing how one man can make the difference to a building site.
“Install the toilet, boss.”
“So, good news, the new toilet door is installed! However, the bad news is, we can’t close it. You’re welcome!”
“Nice door placement…”
“Well, we ran out of windows so we put another door here.”
“Okay, it doesn’t open though, right?”
“Of course it does, it’s a door!”
“Fixed those tiles!”
I love that they covered a bit of it and just thought, “Ah screw it, that’ll probably do!” Top notch work.
Useless Fans…
“Useless fans” sounds like the existential version of Only Fans, where people just tell you how relentless and pointless life is and you pay for the pleasure of this experience.
“Windows are done.”
It looks like someone sneezed when creating this on Sims. Either that it it looks like what happens when you try and put an image into the middle of a word document, carnage.
The World’s Most Useless Balcony!
I am waiting for someone to point out that this is actually a deliberate architectural style now…d**n architecture nerds with their knowledge about buildings and such!
“Built the stairs!”
“Look, it’s not like you can’t just jump, right guys?”
“Honestly, we’d rather not have to jump and just have a functional fire escape.”
“Christ, you really want the world on a plate don’t you?!”
“Renovated windows!”
I mean, why bother using the framework that was already there when you can massacre it instead?
They Did It Fast…But Not Well!
“Jesus Dave, what kind of measuring tool did you use?!”
“Measuring tools…?”
“Back pain meds on the bottom shelf.”
“Sorry, could you possibly bend down and hand me some of that back pain relief medicine?”
“Pfft, get it yourself! What’s wrong with you, got b****y back problems or something?”
“Put up the sign in no time!”
This is a trick. Sure, the road may appear to curve away, but really you need to charge headfirst into those trees at 35mph! It’s like getting to the Hogwarts Express, it’s all about belief!
“Bikers are safe now!”
“Jesus Dave, you’re soaking wet, what happened?”
“That new cycle lane is a little tricky to navigate.”
Last Updated on March 26, 2021 by Paddy Clarke