Everybody likes attention. It’s a nice reminder that someone is thinking of you, and usually, attention is favorable. In fact, I would argue that we’re hardwired to enjoy it, because why else would we spend half our paychecks on the exact same pair of black Vans and Thrasher T-shirts? For someone else to notice, of course.
Here are some attention addicts who will do anything to get their fix.
Some people are just not ashamed of their desperation.

They know they might look a little ridiculous, but if it means getting attention, they don’t care at all. As someone who literally owns a shirt that says “give me attention,” I am all for this.
Selfies are a way of life, but they can be a bit awkward to share at first.

In the beginning, everybody always looks for ways to share good pictures of themselves without seeming vain or narcissistic.
But over time, we all come to realize that no one cares and that sometimes, it’s okay to light yourself up.
Anybody can say that they care about a cause, but you look like a real goober if you don’t back it up.

Just run a 5k or sell some cookies or something. That’ll give you bragging rights for at least six months.
Do they, though?

There are a lot of attractive people in the world, and you don’t have to look like one of them to be one of them.
Maybe you should put the doppelgänger shtick to rest and just be yourself. That’s what T-Swift would want.
As a person who likes to celebrate the small victories, I can get behind this.

Let’s ignore the fact that this person is clearly trying to draw attention to their ample number of friend requests, and instead, let’s use it as a vehicle for promoting the importance of self-celebration.
I did my laundry today, AW YISSSSS.
This couldn’t have been handled any better.

The worst thing you can do when someone is fishing for compliments is to give them one. The best thing?
Compliment someone (or something) who is deserving as a reminder that they shouldn’t beg for attention.
If you’re gonna lie, at least think it through.

Unless this girl’s parents are really wealthy or something, chances are no one believed she could afford a Porsche anyway.
Doing anything specifically for attention is strange.

Being intimate with someone you don’t care about just for the chance to be intimate with someone else that you probably don’t care about either is next level.
When did identifying as a nerd become cool?

That’s the kind of thing that would get you beat up at my public school. Or just being super r**e, actually. This girl clearly wouldn’t have stood a chance.
You’d think that you’d get enough attention from being a celebrity.

Apparently not, though. Instagram captions don’t have to make sense, they just have to make people smash that like button.
This might be the one picture in this list that I can get behind.

Your birthday is like a mini holiday for you only. You deserve attention, and TBH you shouldn’t even have to ask for it.
There is nothing in the entire universe that screams “pay attention to me” more than a vague Facebook status.

Based on that last comment, I’d say that she knew exactly what she was doing.
There is not a single person on this entire planet who believes your dog took this photo.

Sorry, girl, but we’re just not buying it. It’s okay to take a selfie and put it on the internet though, don’t worry. People do it all the time.
Hopefully, she’s not the one who caught that.

And still, couldn’t they just talk on Facebook? That’s a thing, right?
Come on, Biebs. You could post literally any photo and it’s gonna get likes.

Seriously, you could post a pic of your sock and it would still get more likes than any photo on my Instagram. What’s the point of this?
Aren’t people going to notice when you show up, well, anywhere and don’t have facial hair?

Beards take a while to grow. I’m sure someone would’ve noticed this bad boy coming in.
Unless this girl is from the community where The Giver takes place, then I’m calling shenanigans.

Are you seriously trying to tell everyone that your entire world is sepia toned, but your eyes are bright blue?
Just leave your selfie and go.

I’m getting real fed up with these ridiculous excuses to post selfies. I should start a campaign to put an end to this madness. #LoveYourSelfie
I’m not even mad about this.

I wish every pup on the planet sought out attention like this little princess. The world would be a much better place.
Protip: If you’re going to lie about spending time with someone, don’t tag them in the post.

It’s the quickest way to get called out, and then if you post the photo again, everybody will know you lied about it the first time and you’ll look like a dingus.
What’s the point of even saying that?

She could’ve just put “this is an awesome song” and went on her merry way, but no. That would’ve been way too easy.
Many of us love to treat ourselves to a manicure every once in awhile.

But this…this is quite disturbing.
Long nails are already pretty useless and not very functional. So what. Is. The. Point?
This guy really went to a cosplay convention and cosplayed the convention center ITSELF.
This is too much, even for a seasoned cosplayer I bet.
When you can’t let your furbaby feel left out.
If everyone gets a separate room in the house, so should the dog.
YouTube beauty guru James Charles really outshone all his classmates when he brought a ring light to his senior photo day.
Don’t pretend that you don’t wish you thought of this, too.
I also wish that I knew about highlighters back in grade 12, but such is life.
Might end up with the wrong kind of attention.

Sure, this could be for Halloween, but since the uploader said they took the pic in May, pretty sure that’s not it.
And even if it was for Halloween, you have to think the cops would take more than a passing interest.
I feel like there are better ways to start conversations about dietary choices.

Or at least less painful and expensive ones. I mean, kudos for making bold decisions and all, though.
Busted, you poor thing.

The only thing worse than lying for attention is getting caught lying for attention. I would love to see the face on this kid when he sees that snap.
Here’s a plot twist you never would have seen on The Brady Bunch.

Forgetting you have your own daughter on Facebook when you make things up about her to throw yourself a pity party is…not a good look.
The tabloids are constantly thirsty for attention, and it leads them to make some easily debunked claims.

What a ludicrous display. I love that I can hear Chris O’Dowd’s reply/denial in his voice, too.
Wow, that’s some kind of low point, even for the internet.

Stealing the pic of someone’s dead wife to get fake internet points? Ouch. Have some class!
She seems to have mistaken “boyz” with no one and “all over me” as literally nowhere near me.

It’s okay, girl. It happens to the best of us.
I would love to be that kind of go-getter, too.

But I’m not, and I’m not about to pretend to be. I mean, people know that Google Image Search is a thing, right?
Note: You get better selfies when they’re not your sole priority.

So maybe you put a lot of time and effort into getting your makeup juuuuust right, but waiting another 20 minutes to feed your kid first is an even better idea.
People will use any excuse to take a selfie.

Couldn’t you have seemed at least a little bit upset that your dog died? Or maybe saved the selfie for a different caption? RIP, little pup.
Some people you just can’t leave unattended.

I don’t want to stifle anyone’s creativity, so I’ll just say that we’ve definitely seen worse ways for people to show that they’re bored and craving some attention.
For example…

You just know someone’s going to take this the wrong way. That’s the world we live in.
It’s not just people who get desperate for attention.

Like this cat, who is not allowed on the table and knows it, but still has to be the center of the universe, of course. Credit to that determination.
Last Updated on August 7, 2020 by Mason Joseph Zimmer