As a relationship starts becoming serious, it can be useful to find out early as many specific habits or personality traits that your prospective life partner has, as this means there are less… surprises for you to discover later on.
The people on this list decided to share these discoveries with the internet, so strap in for these 14+ boyfriends who have had enough!
“My gf leaves me this fun game to play after she leaves for work in the morning.”

Oooh, right on the metal bit as well so that the whole thing can get nice and hot for you! What a “fun” game! This is like really high-stakes Operation.
“Husband made a barrier, and these two are not happy about it.”

I love how they are looking right at the camera as if to say, “Do you seriously think that this is going to stop us Dave?”
“My girlfriend and I have an ongoing argument about which direction the toilet paper roll should face. Today I’ve decided to assert my dominance with a padlock.”

So long as this person’s girlfriend doesn’t realize that those little b***s on the end unscrew then this plan is foolproof…sort of.
“Told my boyfriend I was getting him a burger for Christmas…”

“Oh my God, Dave, stop eating it! There’s an Xbox Game in one of those boxes!”
*Incoherent choking sounds
“Tried to take a panorama from our hike today, it really did my boyfriend dirty…”

Wow, the person who took this photo really did their boyfriend an injustice here. I bet this is one for the family album!
“A cake from a bf to gf after 13 months together, she finally f****d!”

This is a huge moment in a relationship, and I can’t think of a better way to celebrate it than with a questionably brown cake!
“I went grocery shopping and my husband put everything away…it’s a blue box so it must be pasta.”

“Hmmm, I’m not sure if this pasta bolognese is the usual recipe.”
“Yeah, it’s definitely more…absorbent?”
“GF asked for a fancy dinner. Payday is not till next week. Problem solved…”

They must have made a mustard stencil for this to be so precise. I refuse to believe that anyone is that accurate with mustard!
“My gf left this warning for me on my pillow.”

I do like how the little doodle of the f**t has a little smiley face on it. I doubt that everyone would be smiling if she did f**t with that much force though!
“I asked my boyfriend to join my Zoom meeting to critique my assignment presentation.”

All I can focus on here is the fact that this person has pinned Stardew Valley…I feel like I need to tend to my crops, I’ll be back immediately.
“My gf asked me to get Terry Crews in bed with her, so I got this pillowcase made.”

I am not entirely sure why this photograph of Terry Crews exists, but I am d**n glad that it does exist!
“I found this from my husband in the bathroom…”

If I was this person, I would be checking to see if their husband has red towels for cleaning up blood to check if they’re serious.
“My friend said ‘stern talks’ are no longer working with her child… So her husband got official.”

Just for the whole day? It still seems like Ethan is getting off easy for crimes against the Ottoman!
“My boyfriend thought it would be funny to bring our cat into the pool. This picture is the result. Please enjoy.”

I mean, it is funny, it’s just not funny in the way that he probably thought that it would be!
“My partner learned that you shouldn’t put off a haircut until the apocalypse when the only person left to do it is your girlfriend who’s never even trimmed her own ends.”

Well, now he just looks like he has been on one h**l of a Peaky Blinders marathon and decided to emulate them.
“I troll my husband by turning the toilet paper roll in the direction he hates. This is the note he left me.”

I didn’t realise that this was such a prolific debate for couples everywhere? Let me know which way round you believe in below I guess!
“My GF hinted she wants a teddy bear for Valentine’s day. I hope she likes it.”

Nothing makes a teddy bear quite as adorable as giving it real teeth! This could only be better if they were actual human teeth bought from a shady dentist.
“Woke up to my coffee jar like this after a petty argument with my partner.”

I didn’t realize that so many couple’s arguments could be simply solved with the addition of a padlock.
Last Updated on January 11, 2021 by Paddy Clarke