There’s a lot of wild stuff that happens in the world. Thankfully, now that everybody’s got phones in their pockets (or disposable cameras in their hands…but we’ll get to that later), so many more of those moments are getting caught on camera.
And even better, you’ve got me around to bring all those pictures together in one place! What a time to be alive!
1. Remember that thing I mentioned about disposable cameras? Want to take a guess about what this picture is?

This, my new friends, is what it looks like when a disposable camera goes off on the assembly line, snapping a picture of the factory workers making disposable cameras.
2. If these two aren’t meant to be together, then I don’t even believe in love anymore.

They are, after all, each other’s true beau. True Ram-beau that is. Y’know, because that’s what he looked like in First Blood .
3. You may be very surprised to learn that you can’t actually buff out the scratches on your iPod with sandpaper.

I know, I know, I’m just as shocked as you are. I could have sworn that this was going to work out perfectly.
4. I’ve seen my fair share of quality lifehacks in my time, but this one is really blurring the line between a protip and straight-up crime.

If this qualifies, then maybe we all need to start being a little bit more like Robin Hood in all of our lifehacks.
5. Get up, come on get down with the thickness.

In theory, this sounds like a great idea, but the tactile feeling of that gooey mint stuff in the middle is something I think it would be really easy to overdo.
6. Who needs cloning when you can just build a second dog out of the stuff you brushed off your first one?

If you’re looking at this photo and you’re not kind of wanting to roll around in it, then I don’t think I can trust you.
7. I have no idea what’s going on with this test, but I’m pretty sure that it actually made me dumber just by looking at it.

Then again, you can’t exactly score 142% by giving the wrong answers. So maybe I was already dumb to start with.
8. Of all the things I expected to see today, this absolutely wasn’t one of them.

In fact, I’m still not entirely sure what it is I’m looking at. It’s like someone decided to build that Men in Black guy from memory.
9. I mean, by the letter of the request, this is exactly what they asked for. It’s not my fault they weren’t more specific.

I’m honestly a little surprised that I’m getting away with posting a picture that so prominently features a b******e. But I guess that’s just something I can do these days.
10. I’m not sure if this is an inspirational picture about the power and resilience of nature, or if it’s an attack on other people’s poor planning.

Either way, it’s weird enough to make it into this article, and that’s what really matters.
11. I’m honestly here for this kind of attitude.

Granted, she looks kind of like she wants other people to have fun because she’s not, but even then, that’s just really generous of her.
12. I’m not saying that this dog is the last Airbender, but I’m also not not saying it, y’know?

If this dog’s name isn’t Aang, then somebody seriously dropped the ball, if you know what I’m saying.
13. Well, thank goodness someone was here to point this out to me, because I would have been totally lost otherwise.

Imagine the confusion that must happen every time the sun goes across the sky too. Total anarchy.
14. If this isn’t the universe trying to tell you to conquer the world, then I don’t know what kind of sign you’re waiting for.

Apparently, the North Pole is safe at least. So if you want to hide, you can hide there.
15. Two bedrooms, with the picture taken at the exact same time. This is how you know who the favorite kid is.

Plot twist, it’s the goth kid who got the exact bedroom they wanted.
16. It’s pretty bold for me to say that this is the best selfie ever taken, but I’m having a hard time imagining that it’s possible to beat it.

I mean, just look how guilty Spider-Man looks too!
17. Life’s Work

“Grandma quilted her whole life, seemed appropriate to celebrate her passing with her work.” -gingerlov3n
18. Harry?

“Spotted the Hogwarts Express on my trip to Scotland last year” – Kiwizftw
19. Mighty Mouse

“A fight between two mice in the London underground tunnel … The photo is a candidate for the Natural History Photography Award.” -tenebrins
20. Look-A-Like

“My Japanese friend found a game about himself in a shop in the Netherlands” -Akihabarakatta
21. Hideaway

“Fire station in Italy looks like a villain hideout” -Palifaith
22. Tale As Old As Time

“My friend the Emperor Hadrian.” – menchon
23. Climb Every Mountain

“My Wife did the Toblerone thing at the Matterhorn today. Couldn’t have asked for better weather.” -cah875
24. Legacy

“Obama sitting on the same bus and in the same seat that Rosa Parks sat on.” -SuspiciouslyLinear
25. When I Grow Up

“Puppy saved from a fire becomes a firefighter.”
26. Always Ready

“In Israel, if you are in the active military you must carry your weapon with you at all times.” -zensama
Last Updated on October 11, 2018 by Diply